Always and Forever

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Kate sped off to the only place she knew nobody would come: the Mystic Falls cemetery. Something about cemeteries was soothing to her. Maybe it was the history, or the fact that no matter what you did, you still ended up in the ground. Kate especially loved the older headstones. She marveled at one from 1879. It was a newborn's, but it was magnificent.

The calming effect of the cemetery wasn't enough for tonight, though. Tears were steady streaming down her face. Usually Kate wasn't much of a crier, but her mind was reeling. Between her fear of Katherine's revenge and her mixed feelings about the Originals, it was all she could do not to rip her own heart out.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a voice chimed from behind her. Kate whipped around, trying to wipe away some of her tears, to face none other than Klaus. "You always had a thing for cemeteries," he mused. Kate couldn't help but smile.

"They're the one constant in my life," she explained truthfully. Klaus kneeled down next to her.

"You know, the second you were shot I started to think of what your headstone would look like. I knew you didn't want anything to extravagant, but you didn't want to be just another rock in the ground."

"Why didn't you tell me that you were a vampire?" Kate whimpered. Klaus flinched at her weak tone. He reached forward and wiped away one of her tears.

"I didn't want you to think I was a monster."

"If you would have told me sooner I wouldn't have been as shocked."

"At the time, I wanted to give you the choice. We were going to wait until you were in your twenties to reveal ourselves, and eventually give you the choice to turn. I contemplated slipping you my blood every day, just in case."

"What made you decide against it?"

"I wanted you to be able to find peace."

It was at that moment that Kate really looked at Klaus. Instead of seeing the monster she had been since his return, she saw the man she once knew. She saw the man who took her in when she had nowhere. She saw the man who had acted as her father.

"Thank you," she whispered. Klaus gave her one of his million dollar smiles and pulled her close to him.

"Even if you hate us, we will always care about you. I will always care about you. Always and forever.

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