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Despite everything that happened the day before, Kate went to school the next day. She figured it'd be a good distraction. Stefan and Kate pulled up to the front of the school. Stefan ran ahead to go talk to Caroline about some dance, but Kate decided to take her time walking in. She felt someone's presence behind her.

Kate turned around to see Klaus. "I never would have pegged you for one to go back to school," he joked.

"Well, it's a good distraction from everything that's happened recently," she mumbled, walking towards school. Klaus sped in front of her.

"I'm sorry that our return has taken its toll on you," he apologized genuinely. Kate brushed past him.

"It's not just you, a lot has gone down since I came to Mystic Falls," she groaned. Klaus put his hand on her shoulder. For the smallest moment, Kate felt like she did back in the late 1800s. She felt safe, but then she remembered that one night.

"I'm here for you, no matter what!" he called as Kate walked away. She froze briefly before turning around.

"After everything I put you through? After running away without as much as a goodbye? You're still here for me? You're supposed to hate me!" Klaus sped over so he was just inches away from her face. He had a grave look on his face.

"Kate, since the night I saved you in Charleston, you have been like a daughter to me. There is nothing you could do to make me hate you. Why don't you skip first period and come talk to me and Elijah," he suggested.

Kate and Klaus entered the Mikaelson mansion. Elijah was standing near the door. "Kate? What a surprise." He exclaimed.

All three of them took a seat in the living room. "Why don't you tell us what happened?" Klaus suggested.

Kate sighed and went into the whole Genivive, Katherine drama. She left out the doppelganger part, though.

Meanwhile, Jeremy had taken notice that Kate wasn't in their classes. If it were any other person, he'd just brush it off. This wasn't just any person, though. This was Damon Salvatore's daughter who just so happened to have connections to the Original family. Jeremy saw Stefan at his locker.

"Hey!" he called, "Is Kate okay?" Stefan gave him a weird look.

"For the circumstances, sure."

"Okay, it's just that she wasn't in her last two classes-"

"What are you talking about? I dropped her off myself."

"She must have left. I haven't seen her all day." Rebekah happened to walk by at that moment.

"Where is she?" Stefan growled.

"Hello to you too, Stefan," she replied, walking around the boys. Stefan cut in front of her.

"Where's Kate?" he asked again.

"How should I know?"

"Well, your family reconnects with her after centuries of looking and suddenly she goes missing from school." Rebekah gave Stefan a cold look.

"Kate is as much of a part of my family as I am. If she is with Klaus, he would never hurt her," she snarled.

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