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                Kate and Kol sat in the middle of the cemetery, laughing over something stupid he'd said. He'd surprised her with a picnic to take her mind off of Andre and the whole almost dying thing. For an instance, it felt like the beginning of their love story. Kol stared at Kate and smiled: just a few months ago he thought she was just a memory. Despite his constant searching, he never thought he would ever find her again. Kol had thought about how he would have changed that night. He never would have slipped her his blood, he would have let her choose.

Kate stared at Kol and smiled: just a few months ago she couldn't imagine sitting across from him and being happy. All she could ever picture was the monster that forced her to kill people, the monster who tried to kill her. Now, all she could see was the reckless man she fell in love with so long ago. She thought about it, and realized she had never felt this way before. When she was with Andre, she always pictured Kol in her mind. She'd never truly loved somebody like she loved him.

Kol was in the middle of telling some story when he fell to the ground, his neck broken. He was unconscious. Kate screamed. Andre stood behind his body and smiled. He knelt down beside Kol and pushed his body aside. He reached out and pushed a stray hair behind Kate's ear. "Miss me, darling?" he purred.

Kate could feel a shiver crawl up her spine, overcoming her entire body. "How are you here?" she croaked. He tilted his head back and laughed.

"Word travels fast on the other side. I befriended an enemy of yours, Patricia, who was more than happy to help me come back. All I had to do was get somebody to open the door," he trailed.

"Damon?" Kate asked.

"Looks like somebody forgot to shut the door all the way. It's a shame, though, since somebody really bad could come out," he mocked. Andre grabbed Kate's hand and pulled her to her feet. He leaned next to her ear and whispered, "I can't kill you yet, but in just a few hours you and I will live happily ever after."

Damon and Klaus stood in the middle of town square, still searching for some sort of clue for how Kate was able to recover so quickly. Nothing was adding up. "Should we really be looking a gift horse in the mouth?" Klaus asked, kicking some grass.

"Of course not, but it just doesn't seem right. Every time something works out in my favor, there's always some sort of catch or price," Damon groaned.

"Damon!" somebody called from behind. As he turned, he almost fell over.

"Who is this?" Klaus asked as the woman ran towards them. It was impossible, she couldn't be here. She was dead.

"Klaus, this is Genevieve. This is Kate's mother," Damon whispered.

Genevieve ran over, as if she were on a mission.

"Yes, I'm back from the dead, but I don't have time to explain. Right now, we have to worry about Kate: she's in trouble," Genevieve breathed. Immediately, Damon snapped into seriousness.

"What do I need to do?" he asked.

Andre was truly evil. He couldn't physically kill Kate until the door to the other side was closed, or else she'd be able to come right back. While Patricia worked on that, he decided to torture the poor girl. Andre had strung her up by her arms, using bear traps instead of rope. The lack of blood made it impossible for Kate to fight back. It didn't help that Andre continuously stabbed her in the ribs.

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