Thanks For the Snack

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Klaus woke up the next day, knowing exactly what he had to do. He got out of bed and sighed, now or never. He picked up his cell phone and clicked on the contact he was searching for. "Hello, brother," he chirped as Kol picked up.

Meanwhile, Damon was standing in the doorway of the Lockwood mansion. Tyler came trotting down the stairs with a syringe in his hand. "Here you go, pure liquid vervaine. Tell me again, why do you need this?" Tyler inquired. 

"Probably best if you don't know," Damon countered before snatching the vial and speeding off to the Mikaelson house. They were already setting up for tonight's festivities. "Klaus!" Damon called before Klaus came trotting down the stairs. 

"I assume you got your part done?" Klaus inquired. Damon held up the syringe as confirmation.

"The only question is who is going to keep her down," Damon mumbled.

"It can't be me. Kol's on his way, and he won't take anything seriously unless I'm there," Klaus explained.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I don't exactly trust you to make a deal with your brother. I want to be there when it happens," Damon countered. 

"Understandable, and honestly Kol will be on edge until he sees all of us right in front of him. He'll be more likely to cooperate if he thinks we're all telling the truth, so Stefan and Bonnie should be there too," Klaus suggested.

"Then who's going to stay with Kate?" Damon asked, getting frustrated.

"Can you think of anybody who could potentially fight off a vampire that's insignificant enough to not show up tonight?" Klaus asked sarcastically. Damon stood there for a moment, thinking, before somebody popped into mind.

An hour later Kate sauntered into the Mystic Grill. "Hey Matty," she chirped as she walked up to the bar. 

"What do you want?" he asked, not even looking up from a glass he was cleaning.

"Aw, you don't sound happy to see me," she said with mock hurt.

"Kate, what the hell are you doing here? If you're going to kill me then you might as well leave," he stated confidently.

Kate grabbed him by the collar and pulled him inches from her face. To the unsuspecting spectator, it may have looked like something flirtatious, but to Matt she had him in a death grip. "You're going with me to the Mikaelson Ball tonight, wear something nice," she winked.

"Actually," Matt started as he plunged the needle into her neck, causing her to go limp, "I don't think you're going anywhere tonight."

Matt pulled up to the Salvatore mansion in his truck. "Did you do it, Donovan?" Damon asked as Matt opened the bed of his truck. Klaus walked over and picked up her unconscious body as if it were nothing. 

"Lead the way," he instructed. Damon led them down to the basement and showed Matt the cell. Klaus placed her on the ground.

"The vervaine will wear off in a hour or two, but she should still be pretty weak from that and the lack of blood. All you have to do is stay on the other side of the door and make sure she doesn't get out," Damon instructed. 

"Alright, I've got this," Matt assures. 

Kate woke up to her head pounding. She groaned at how weak she felt and sat up, noticing her surroundings. "What the hell," she whispered as she looked around at the cell she was in. She walked up to the window to see Matt sitting in a chair, scrolling through his phone. 

"Morning, sleeping beauty," he chirped, annoying Kate.

"Matt, if you know what's good for you then you should let me out of here," she whispered menacingly. 

"Nice try, but you and I both know that you're too weak to do anything," he smirked. Kate stood back in frustration. She may be weak from lack of blood, but her humanity being shut off should give her some added strength. Kate stood at the back of the cell and sped into the door at full speed, hearing a satisfying crack of the hinges. She did it once more, twice, and one more time until the door flung off its hinges. Matt stood up in shock, but Kate was too fast for him. In a blur she was at his neck, taking enough blood to make him pass out. 

"Thanks for the snack," she taunted, "but I have a ball to get ready for." In a second she was off in a blur. 

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