Sorry not sorry

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Sunshine seeped through the window above my bed—that and a draft. I yawned and glanced at my phone. It was nine o clock, I jerked out of bed now rushing around my small studio apartment.

I rushed into my bathroom and took a cold shower. I hurriedly dressed in my uniform and grabbed my purse. I didn't have time to put a whole lot of makeup on—not that I had a whole lot, I just put some mascara on and my usual red lipstick.

I hopped in my rusted red Buick. It might be thirty-five years old but it got the job done—for the most part. I drove the ten minutes to the four star restaurant I worked at. I rushed out my car snatching my purse from the passenger seat in the process. I hurried inside ignoring the stares from customers, I immediately walked to the back shoving my things in my locker.

" Your late Lucy. " My boss Carlos stated. I sighed before turning around.

" I know I am sorry it won't happen again. " I mumbled and he shook his head in disappointment.

" Your lucky we're full today or your ass would be fired right now. You have one more time to slip up and your gone. This is a high end restaurant and I won't tolerate lateness or any other form of disobedience. Are we clear ? " He yelled at me. I clenched my fists at my sides to keep from yelling right back knowing that I don't have anywhere else to work at the moment. Come on Lucy, just get through this shift and you can go home. I chanted in my head before mumbling an almost incoherent yes.

" Good you have tables, eight, ten, twelve, sixteen, twenty,twenty-one and nineteen. " He said and my jaw dropped that's seven tables !

" Joey called out so...sorry not sorry, get to work. " He smiled devilishly before turning on his heal. I was fuming by the time I went around to take orders. I was caught up that I didn't notice the man more like wall I ran into. I fell back before large arms caught me.

" What...? " I mumbled looking up into the face of the wall, he was a god to say the least. I didn't have time to analyze him further because he had an irritated expression on his face.

" Watch where your going. " He growled letting me go roughly. I muttered curses under my breath as I walked away.

" Hi what can I get for you today ? " I asked a good looking man in a business suit.

" Uhhh can you come back my friend went to the bathroom..." He answered with a smile. I nodded and went to take other orders. I went back in the kitchen to bring drinks to table twenty and stopped back at table nineteen to take the gentleman's order.

The man I ran into earlier was sitting with him now and they seemed to be in deep conversation.

" Are you guys ready to order ? " I questioned digging in my apron to retrieve my note pad and pen.

" Don't you see us talking..." The man I ran into stated turning his head to fully look at me and when he did he stopped talking and placed a grim look on his face.

" Can't we get another waiter who isn't clumsy like you ? " He groaned shocking me and the man he was sitting with.

" Not if you want to be served today you can't, " I gritted right back rolling my eyes, I turned to the other man who had a wide smiled on his face. " What can I get you ? " I asked ignoring the glowering look from the other man.

" Ummm, I'll have the baked ziti with a Caesar salad and water. " He replied closing his menu I nodded scribbling it down before turning to the other man.

" And you sir ? " I asked trying to keep my voice level.

" Same only you can bring me a bottle of mosacto with mine. " He answered in a demanding voice.

Mateo - # Wattys 2017 Where stories live. Discover now