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" I want men to be outside surrounding the building. I want Jacob and Tony to have the snipers trained on the guards outside. Me and Mateo will go inside and if we aren't back in twenty minutes I want you to storm the place. " Michael stated. We were in a van driving towards one of  Roco's stripper buildings.

" That's it ? That's the plan ? " One guy spoke up. Michael snapped his head to him. He took his gun out and pointed at the man who spoke. He paled.

" Did I say I wanted comments ? The next words out of your god damned mouth better be no sir or I will put one of these bullets through your skull as an example that I am your boss, your Don. Do you understand ? "

" Yes sir. " He stated and Michael pulled the trigger anyway.

" Someone put him in the back. This is a message to all of you that I'm not playing games. Anyone got anymore questions or comments can take it up with my nine. " He said and it was followed by a chorus of yes bosses.

" Good now here is a picture of the girl we are searching for, if we aren't back within the twenty minutes, I want you to storm the place and find her at all costs. I don't care who you have to shoot to get her back. " He growled handing a stack of Lucy's pictures out, thanks to Luigi who printed them out before we left. All of them took one, analyzing it before tossing them around the bus.

I looked at all the men, they were dressed in their suits but had semi automatic guns on their hips and even bigger ones in their hands. I glanced at the man that spoke back to Michael, he lay on a seat in the back with a hole through his skull.

I didn't even care, I just wanted Lucy back. Who knows what Santana has her doing in that whore house. I swear to god if anyone touches her I will shoot them dead in their balls then in their head.

" Mateo...damn it stop zoning the hell out. " Michael growled turning to me. I glared at him.

" What ? " I snapped.

" We are here, park the bus here. We will get in the car that one of my men is driving and drive the rest of the way. Franco your in charge while I'm gone don't let this go down hill or you'll regret it. " He said as the bus pulled to a stop. I nodded to him as we got off.

I was in a crisp suit, hair slicked back. I had a briefcase with ten million dollars in it. As bad as it sounds we are going to try and buy the hit that's placed on Lucy's head. So in essence we are going to buy Lucy back.

Michaels man got out of the Bugatti he was driving in front of the bus and we got in. We drove down the street to Roco's business building.

Roco's men check us at the door. We stood, me with my briefcase and Michael with a concealed gun. I was freaking out on the inside as we stood in the foyer.

" Ahh D'Amico and De'Luca what can I do for you ? " Roco stated coming to us with a stupid smile on his face. He had a white suit on a blood red tie. He has his right hand man Sergio beside him.

" We want Luciana Mathews back. I have ten million dollars inside this briefcase as payment. " I told him raising the briefcase slightly as I was talking.

" Sergio bring me little Lulu. " Roco stated and Sergio nodded before quickly walking off. My blood boiled as he called her that.

" Why is she so important to you Mateo ? " He asked walking us to a very expensive looking living area.

" She's my PA. " I told him and he laughed.

Mateo - # Wattys 2017 Where stories live. Discover now