Friends ?

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It's been a full week and a half since I've begun working for Mateo. It's been hell most of the time if not from him yelling at me that I'm incompetent then it's me yelling at him to stop yelling at me.

Through all this yelling back and forth you'd think I'd have been fired by now but no he doesn't fire me. A devilish side of me wonders what his breaking point would be. But I'm too smart to try and find it.

" Lucy cancel all my appointments for the evening because the gala is tonight. I'm sending you home an hour early to get ready and be ready by eight because that's when the driver is coming to get you. " I put some files back in his cabinet. I looked at my new watch and saw it was six thirty all ready. He stood grabbing his jacket of his chair. I silently grabbed my purse and put my phone and laptop inside before following him to the elevator. This is how our evenings end for the most part. He either drives me home or has his limo come get me and drop me off, especially if I have to run his errands.

" Do you have any family ? " He asked as the elevator took us down to the first floor. I was thrown off by his question. No one asks about my family because I never talk about them.

Let's see there's my mom who was drunk most of life and my father who cheated his way through life. I didn't have any siblings—that I knew of. God knows my father got around so I can never say never.

" No I don't—well I have my parents but we haven't been on good terms since I left for college six years ago. " I admitted and he glanced at me running a hand through his hair which made it a tad bit messy and yet more captivating than it was before.

" Oh...I'm sorry for asking. " He answered, I furrowed my eyebrows. He's sorry ? There must be a god.

" I-I never mind. " He stammered.

" No what were you going to say ? " I pressed.

" Nothing forget it Lucy. Just know I know how you feel—about your parents I mean. " He swiftly got off the elevator before I could say anymore.

He stalked passed the secretary desk without even a nod and I followed, smiling sweetly at Molly who still gives me shit. I rushed to his limo where a driver was waiting.

Once inside I took a deep breath before continuing. " What do you mean you know how I feel ? Your rich—I mean and I came from nothing and up until now had nothing. My parents were a bunch of drunks that beat me and starved me half to death. I was never wanted. I was a mistake, so tell me do you really know how I feel ? " I asked and he wiped his hand across his face in what I perceived as exasperation.

Without any words he came over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. My arms hung limp from the shock that Mateo was capable of showing sympathy.

" I am truly sorry for the pain you went through as I child and no I was not beaten or starved but I was neglected a lot. " He whispered in my ear. I didn't have any words to say.

He pulled away quickly before I could even wrap my arms back around his broad shoulders.

" I'm sorry about your neglect too. " I said adjusting my shirt and remembering what he said.

" It's fine and...and I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you. Your my PA, I guess we can be friendly towards each other. " He said with a smile and I could feel my heart skip a beat. His smile was so gorgeous, he could light up a whole room with it, the way his teeth were sparkling white and perfectly straight had me at loss for words.

" Unless you want to keep it strictly business. " He rushed out after I didn't say anything. I was still in shock, Mateo was talking to me like a real person, not insulting my class status or yelling about how incompetent I am.

Mateo - # Wattys 2017 Where stories live. Discover now