Slip of the Finger

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" Oh my god..." I trailed off as my father cried out in pain. He grabbed his leg where the wound was.

" I should shoot you in the heart but after all the shit you've done to Lucy she still doesn't want me to kill you..." Mateo said as the woman rushed over to my father. He bent down to his level. " And you what ? I might just do it anyway. " He pressed the gun to the mans heart, the man who I won't be referring to as my father any longer was writhing around in pain as the woman knelt down trying to stop the bleeding from his leg.

" You filth ! " The woman screamed at Lucy, her dress now a darker red as it was wet with his blood. " You'd let your own father die ! "

I couldn't even move, it felt like I was just a watcher, like I was removed from my body.

" Watch it. " Michael growled.

" First you break into my home then you come here ? " Lucy whimpered. The man hissed in pain but you could see the confusion on his face.

" We didn't break into your home. " He gritted.

" Liars ! It was Italian men. " Michael seethed.

" First off I'm not Italian and secondly why would we lie we've told you the truth so far. I don't have to lie believe me if I broke into your house you wouldn't be standing here right now looking all pitiful. " The man said in almost a chiding manner.

" Leave my home now ! " Mateo growled.

" Wait ! So I'm not your daughter ? " Lucy cried hysterically.

" You are not my daughter..." The woman said her eyes leaving Lucy to look at me.

" Now now Bella, she is both of our daughter love. They both are. " The man said smiling.

" I'm no daughter of you and neither is Laura. Your selfish, Roco only wants me as revenge for you, but the joke is on him because you don't care if I get captured. " Lucy seethed at the man.

" Louis, take your bitch of a wife and leave my house before I put a bullet in the other leg. " Michael stepped forward aiming his gun at the man whose name I just learned was Louis.

" Whatever you say..." Louis gritted as he stood leaning against his wife. He paused as he limped out.

" Mmm, you sure do look like your mama. I'm sure Roco will enjoy fucking you. " He laughed and Mateo hit him across the face with his gun.

" How can you stand there and let your husband say that ? " I found my voice.

" Why are you even speaking to me ? Be lucky we gave you up. Bad enough we had to care for one ugly girl, sure as hell didn't need two. " Isabella spat at me while helping her husband out of the room.

Everyone was quiet as two guards pushed them to the front door. Lucy came over and hugged me tight.

" I'm sorry. " She muttered in my ear.

" Don't be sorry, it's not your fault they are evil. " I said pulling away and looking at her tear streaked face.

" I know but I still feel bad. I can't help it. " She whimpered and Mateo came next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

He calmed her down rocking her from side to side before taking her out of the room. I watched them go, wishing someone would wrap me up in their arms and make me forget about the scene I just witnessed.

Michael was talking quietly with one of the guards telling him to have some cleaners come and clean the blood off the carpet.

Once he dismissed the guard he turned to look at me.

Mateo - # Wattys 2017 Where stories live. Discover now