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I woke up with Lucy laying on top of me, her head on my chest and legs tangled with my own.

Mmm. I think I could get very used to this. I eased her off of me gently because, I really had to use the bathroom. I watched her pout in her sleep as she curled into herself.

I smiled kissing her cheek that was exposed. I got up grabbing some pants off the floor, yeah my room is very messy and I'm not blaming anyone—but Lucy.

She's like a little tornado. But I couldn't like her any less. I'd just have to tell the maid that cleans every two days to start cleaning my room.

I finished doing my business and walked back into the room to see Lucy sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes.

" Buongiorno piccola. " I said kissing her head and sitting next to her on the bed. She gave me a sleepy smile in return.

She opened her mouth to respond but her stomach gave a loud growl. I let out a loud laugh as she grabbed her stomach.

" I think I'm hungry. " She said sleepily and I laughed even harder.

" You think ? " I asked she got up stretching, she was so...sluggish in the mornings it was quite amusing.

I watched her stretch her short, slender legs and walk to the bathroom.

" Mateo !!! " Nico called running in my room and onto the bed, tackling me with his small weight.

" What do you want for breakfast fratellino ? " I asked pushing him off of me playfully.

" Hey Nico. " Lucy said walking back into the room with a pair of my pants on.

" Lucy, what do you want for breakfast ? " He asked getting up and hugging her legs.

" Well I was thinking we'd make chocolate chip pancakes. " She said picking him up much to his liking.

" Really ? " He said smiling and she nodded tickling him.

" Yup. How about you go find Mikey and let us get dressed ? " She said and he nodded and surprisingly kissed her cheek.

That little rat, trying to steal my woman. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully.

" You've got your own girlfriend manchino. Keep your lips to yourself. " I told him and he whispered something into Lucy's ear causing her to laugh.

She put him down and he ran out the room before I could catch him.

" Is Mateo D'Amico jealous of a four year old ? " Lucy asked with a smile and I scoffed.

Is she serious ?

" No I am not. " I said and she rolled her eyes mumbling under her breath.

I stood pulling on a shirt. I pushed Lucy slightly as we stood in the closet. She pushed me back with a huff, I didn't move one inch.

She pushed me again this time moving me—slightly.

" Piccola don't do this to your self I am the wrestling champion just ask Nico and Michael. " I said pushing her back but not with any real effort because I didn't want to hurt her.

I turn my back smirking at her frown and the next thing I know she pounced on my back.

This woman is crazy !

Mateo - # Wattys 2017 Where stories live. Discover now