Dominico Rosario

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Picture of Nico, I don't own this picture.

I watched Lucy sleep. She was beautiful, I was so happy to have her back. Having her taken from me was a wakeup call.

She's everything to me now. Just looking at her makes me feel things that I've never felt in my life towards someone.

I'm going to take her out tonight, it will be really special. She deserves it, I haven't taken her on one date yet. No wonder she thinks I don't feel the same way about her as she does me I haven't put any real effort into showing her how much she means to me.

I shifted her in my arms, her head was on my chest, well actually half her body was on top of mine and my hands were encircled around her waist.

I'm not going to lie she is not a peaceful sleeper. That's for certain. She twists and turns, and she wakes up screaming due to her nightmares.

So it's a good thing it's a Friday and I called and told whatever that secretary's name is that we wouldn't be back in until Monday anyway.

She stirred in her sleep making a whimpering noise. Then her brown eyes opened blinking at the bright sunlight.

She lifted her head to see me, already awake.

" Buongiorno. " I said kissing her head.

" Buongiorno. " She replied stifling a yawn. She sat up stretching and untangling herself from the sheets and blankets.

" Come on we can make breakfast together—"

" Uncle Mateo !!!!??? " A small voice yelled.

" What's that ? " Lucy asked sleepily.

" Nico. " I said throwing on a shirt and some pants quickly. Lucy perked at that as followed my actions.

" His mom must of dropped him off early. " I muttered going downstairs to see Nico trying to beat up Michael.

" Aww you little shit !! " Michael cried as Nico kneed him in his balls.

Michael rolled off the couch and Nico laughed.

" Uncle Mateo. " He cried running towards me. I picked him up.

" Hey Nicky, what are you and Mike doing ? " I asked and he pouted.

" It's not my fault he said he was going to eat me..." He said and I laughed giving him a high five as Michael glared playfully at us.

" Who is that ? " Nico asked looking at a yawning Lucy.

" That is Mateo's girlfriend. " Michael said smiling evilly at me.

" You have a girlfriend too ? " He exclaimed his eyebrows raising up. I put him down on the floor.

" What do you mean too ? Does my little brother have a girlfriend ? " Michael exclaimed like it was the end of the world. Nico smiled nodding.

" Yup her names Maria and she gives me her cookies at lunch. " He said and I couldn't help but laugh, Lucy and Michael joined in.

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