L'italiano Casa

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" Wake up piccola. " Lucy's sleeping form looked so peaceful but I had to wake her up. We were finally here. My home. I shook her gently and she stirred opening her brown eyes to look at me.

" Hey. " She yawned, she covered her mouth while stretching with one arm.

" We're here. " I informed her and she looked out the window to the airport.

" Oh my god. I can't believe I'm in Italy. " She exclaimed excitedly. I smiled stretching my limbs also, I'd forgotten how long the flight home can be.

We got ourselves off the plane—all four of us and Lucy stared in awe. Even though it was only an airport and as far as I'm concerned looks very similar to the one in America. We collected our luggage and the guards took them and their own bags.

Stepping outside to the bustle of the city, I took a deep breath inhaling the air. " Welcome to Rome. " I smiled, she was bouncing on her toes taking in some of the large stone buildings.

I had to pull her to the limo so we could get to the house and settle in.

" My house is not in Rome but in Florence. So we will be driving there and settle in. " I told her but she was too busy reading one of the tour guides from the airport. Where'd she even grab one of those from ?

" Oh no no. I'll be giving you the tour. This is my home. You will not be getting the tourist visit...you'll be getting the Mateo De'Amico visit. " I declared taking the paper from her she frowned but smiled as we passed a historic library.

" How long did you live in Italy ? " She asked curiously turning back to me. Her brown eyes peering at me like I was the most interesting thing she'd ever seen. I liked that.

" Only until I was about nine or ten. Then we moved to America to expand my fathers business. But I visit at least once or twice a year for business. " I let my accent come out thicker and more natural.

" It's beautiful here. Thank you for showing me your home. It means a lot to me. " She gave me a warm smile.

" I want to show you. I'm glad you like it. The house I have here I think you'll like. It's more
historic than the one I currently live in. This house is the house I spent a lot of time in when I was around seven to when we moved away. The house before that is in Naples and I don't really remember it but I could show you it. I brought it out so I own it. " I shrugged and she nodded the smile on her face never wavering.

" So you own restaurants and hotels in Italy too ? " I nodded.

" This is where it all started bambina. The first hotel and restaurant was opened by my grandfather Gustav D'Amico, in 1957. From then on he continued to open them around the country. It was my father however that turned it into a real franchise. Now they're all over the world, as common as your Mc Donald's.

By the time I was born in 1991 the business went from a small family owned restaurants to the most talked about hotels and restaurants. Celebrities came to Italy to just stay at the original D'Amico hotel and restaurant.
They still do. " She scooted closer to me as I told the story, she was hanging onto my every word.

" Wow. So is your grandfather still alive ? " She asked and I shook my head no.

" He died years before I was even born. " A sadness taking over the tone of my voice.

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