Roco Santana

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I locked myself in my room, away from Mateo. I slammed the door and fell onto my bed. I let the tears fall and cursed myself for getting involved with this man. I am so stupid, of course we aren't dating. Why would we be ? Uhhh. I really need to get out of this house. The longer I stay here the more I risk being hurt further.

I got up wiping my tears with my hands and went into my massive closet. I pulled out the shoe box with my money in it. Through all this Mateo has still been paying me. Even though I'm living in his house he is still giving me money, I barely even do any work lately.

I sat on the floor of my closet ignoring the banging on the door from Mateo. I counted the money up and saw that I had over fifteen thousand dollars, that's enough to get out of here. Maybe I'll move to another town ?

That sounded nice, a change of scenery. Anything that would make me forget about Mateo, just thinking about him made my heart flip.

I quickly got a duffle bag that I'd bought in the Bahamas to carry all the extra summer clothes I'd bought down there. I called a taxi quickly as I stuffed just the necessary things in there, more clothes and shoes and my toothbrush.

I grabbed my laptop and chargers throwing them into the bag. I zipped it up stuffing the money into my makeup bag and stuffing that into the duffle also. Once it was closed I walked to the mirror and threw my hair into a high ponytail.

I stood and looked at my reflection. I had a nice tan to my skin from the days spent on the island but my eyes looked dull now and red from all the crying.

I grabbed my duffle swinging it onto my shoulder. I grabbed my phone as it was the taxi calling me. I had told him to not try to come in the gates and to wait a little further down the street.

I quietly opened my door and paused, should I say goodbye to Mateo ? No. He will only try to convince me to stay and I needed to get as far away from him as possible.

I saw that his door was closed and knew he was inside, I silently walked my way down all the stairs, afraid he would hear the elevator since it was so quiet in the house.

The guards outside looks at me weirdly but didn't question me leaving. I sighed in relief as I walked towards my taxi.

I got in letting out another breath.

" So nice of you to join us Ms. Mathews. " The driver said and I opened my eyes to see a tall burley man sitting in the seat and another much smaller man beside him.

And in the back with me was another medium sized man.

" What ? How do you know my name ? " I asked them, I glanced out my window but he started the car driver away quickly.

" We have been looking every where for you. Your boyfriend Mr. D'Amico has been hiding you it seems. " He said tisking as he turned down streets.

" Where are you taking me and who are you ? " I asked trying discreetly to get my phone out of my pocket.

" Ah ah ah, don't even think of trying to alert anyone. Antonio will shoot you in the head if you do so. Besides the bounty on you didn't specify how they wanted you brought to them. I'm guessing they wouldn't car if you were dead or alive. " The driver said and at the same time the guy beside me raised a gun and pressed it to my temple.

I squeezed my eyes shut about to scream but he hit me upside the head with the but of the gun and my vision wavered before everything went black.

Mateo's POV

I was pacing in my room thinking about everything that happened today when a knock sounded at my door. My heart sped up thinking it might be Lucy and I walked to quickly open it.

Mateo - # Wattys 2017 Where stories live. Discover now