Chapter 2

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Percy's Point of view

one day about seven months after that night I was just about to leave and go for a walk, but just as I went out the door  a  man dressed in a jogging suit appeared in front of me holding a bassinet. "Perseus Jackson?" The man who obviously was either a god or a monster asked. 

"Yes," I said with my hand gripping riptide in my pocket. You can't be too cautious when you're a demigod.

He said, "I am Zephyrus, I was asked to give you this." 

I let go of riptide and took the bassinet from him. It was decorated with pearls, and it had images of lovers walking on a beach on it. The images sent a pang through my heart reminding me of all the time Annabeth and I had spent on the beach at camp.

After he handed me the bassinet he turned and ran in a roughly western direction before turning into a gust of wind, and quite literally blowing away. I had guessed from his name that he was the god of the west wind, but at first, it made no sense why he'd come to me. Once I looked in the bassinet though the reason became quite obvious. In the bassinet lay a sleeping baby girl.

She had black hair that seemed long for an infant.  In the bassinet with her was a birth certificate, but her name had not yet been filled out. I guess that's up to me.    The only thing that made sense was that I had run into a goddess that night at the bar, but since I couldn't remember much of what happened that night I don't have the slightest clue which goddess her mother is.   I could rule out the maiden goddesses Athena included.  I could also rule out Hera because she wouldn't cheat on Zeus,  but there was still Demeter and Aphrodite, as well as numerous minor goddesses.

  shoving those thoughts aside for the moment I decided I'd better give her a name. I  thought for a minute before  saying, "Silena Andromeda Jackson." I decided to continue the Greek theme mom had started with my name, but I instead made it her middle name so she would have a normal first name in case she didn't like her middle name, and to avoid her having to deal with bullies making fun of her because of her name. I had to deal with that growing up, yeah not fun. Don't get me wrong I don't have anything against my name, but kids can be mean.  Now that I have a daughter, I would have to get an apartment of my own, I'm sure mom wouldn't mind us staying with them but regardless I don't want to be a burden on her and Paul. 

My walk postponed for the moment, I headed back into the apartment. I set the bassinet down and picked my daughter up.  she opened her eyes, and they were sea green like mine. My mom was sitting on the couch reading, but when I walked back in with Silena, she  saw and said, "Percy who's this?"

"My daughter, Silena Andromeda Jackson," I said, smiling a bit. I was shocked by what had happened, but honestly, I knew I wanted to have children eventually I just hadn't expected it to happen this soon. Especially since Annabeth had left me. Ever since that night, I'd found it hard to live without her and there were times where I thought it might just be easier to end it all. 

Now that I had a daughter I wasn't going to just abandon her. Despite only just finding out about her I already cared about her, so I would have to keep going on with my life and raise her even though it wouldn't be easy. 

"When did this happen?" My mom asked sounding surprised. 

I replied, "I guess I must have run into a goddess that night, because Zephyrus just dropped her off." 

My mom just nodded in response seeming kind of surprised."Do you have any idea who her mother is?" She asked sounding slightly curious.

I shook my head and then I said, "Like I said I don't remember much from that night, and I don't remember that part at all. Now that I think about it Silena's mother, whoever she is, might have helped me get home since I can't remember calling a cab or anything,"

Later that day Paul came home. After he saw Silena he asked most of the same questions as my mom had, but he also asked in disbelief "And you can't remember a thing?"

I blushed slightly at his question while my mom shot him a glare. He had a point most goddesses aren't exactly ugly so something like that should be memorable, but I couldn't remember a thing. My mom said that she would watch Silena while I was at work, and I figured I should probably look for a full-time job to help support us until I can get enough money to get an apartment of our own.

I couldn't help but wonder how my father would react when he learns of Silena. If I know him as well as I think I do he will probably be happy to have a grandchild, I'm just not sure how he'll react to the fact that her mother is a goddess, making her a tri-blood. Silena also means that I will eventually have to return to camp, I don't really want to after what happened but for her safety, she will have to go even if I don't. Hopefully, by the time Silena has to go there, Annabeth will have left camp so I won't have to run into her. That probably won't be for quite a few years though so I'll try not to worry about it just yet.

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