Chapter 28

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Percy's point of view,

Lately when I'd been going to work it seemed that some of the people I worked with noticed that I was happier and generally more cheerful than I used to be. Over the years when I was at work or basically anywhere in public I kept up a façade to try and hide how I felt but I guess that at least a few of my coworkers saw through it. They didn't know what had been bothering me but they had seen that something was.

I had become a cop a little over two years after Zephyrus dropped off Silena. Wwhen I'd first realized that I need a better paying job in order to support the two of us. At first I'd gone to the military. It was something I could handle due to my previous training but after a short time of that I'd come to realise that if I was ever sent away Silena would have to stay with my mother and there was no guarantee that I'd come back. That and the fact that I really wasn't too keen on facing more war was why I eventually left.

After that I obviously still needed to be able to support myself and Silena so I had to get something else reasonably quickly. While I still had to deal with violence as a cop I wouldn't have to leave Silena, sure there was no guarantee that I wouldn't be hurt or killed while on duty but  I had a better chance than if I was ever sent overseas while in the military.

I would have preferred to not have to deal with more violence at all but my choices were limited since all I had for education was high school. Technically most people usually have to have a degree or diploma of some kind before they can become a cop as well but I took advantage of a loophole for former members of the military.

Technically durring my time off when I first brought Silena to camp the department could have called on me if I was needed but luckily I hadn't been needed. There had been other days when I'd been called upon when I was off duty but most of the time that doesn't happen. David, One of my fellow officers who I had actually let myself become pretty good friends with was the first one to notice my change in mood and ask about the reason for it. For the moment I didn't tell the whole truth but just said that my life had taken a turn for the better recently.

Any time we have to arrest someone, which happens fairly often obviously since we're cops I try to leave violence as a last resort only for self defense. Unfortunately though here in New York that isn't always an option. Over the years I've seen everything from robbery to murder. Although I'd seen people Die before, the murder still bothered me.

The murderer showed no remorse and he tried to blame the crime on a mental illness although it was determined that he was perfectly sane without any history of mental illness, or as sane as he could be when he had no problem killing someone. Thankfully he would be in jail for quite a long time. It's obvious that People like him are as bad as monsters, I already knew that there are horrible people in this world but seeing it first hand only proved it further.

Obviously my mom worries about me for multiple reasons even though she knows I can take care of myself. We both know that there is always a chance that a monster or some criminal could get the better of me. I do my best to make sure that doesn't happen though because I'm not sure what would happen to Silena if it did.

I'm not cocky or arrogant about my abilities demigod or otherwise, but I still couldn't help but be slightly amused when a guy who wasn't that strong once attempted to mug me when I was off duty, I guessed that he hadn't tried to do it to anyone before and it was his bad luck that I was the person he started and finished with.

He had failed and I had fended him off fairly easily although he was carying a knife I had gotten it away from him fairly quickly and after that hhe wasn't much of a problem. My job may be risky but I can handle myself and I make fairly decent pay so really it's worth it. Not to mention that it's kind of worth it since I'm helping get innocent people out of bad situations and getting the worst people off the streets.

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