Chapter 47

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Percy's Point of View

When word eventually got out that I'd proposed to Aphrodite. It seemed Ares decided to make one last-ditch attempt to get her back before it was too late. When he did I happened to be with Aphrodite so he got angry and decided to confront me first before trying to speak to her. Let's just say that didn't go the way he wanted.

I knew Aphrodite had no interest whatsoever in returning to Ares, yet he didn't seem to understand that. Either that or he just refused to give up and accept that she was done with him.

That confrontation started with him yelling at me that I couldn't marry his girl.

I replied, "Honestly Ares how slow are you? She hasn't been your girl for over twenty years. Suck it up and accept that she doesn't want to be with you!"

" yeah right why wouldn't she want to be with me I'm much better than you could ever be punk!"

I scoffed, "At least I actually love her, you never did that,"

At the same time I'd said that I'd heard a beautiful, familiar sound coming from not far behind me. It was Aphrodite's laughter. She was laughing at what Ares had said.

I could tell she was walking toward us and she was still laughing when she reached my side. She stopped and said, "Ares, you are nothing but a pathetic self-centered egotistic idiot. Percy is much better than you ever were. I don't know what I ever saw in you. You never cared about me, all that you ever cared about was my looks and that because of my domains I am good in bed. Get out before I decide to curse you to make you even  worse in bed than you already are,"

As you may have been able to guess he left pretty quickly after that and didn't bother us again. Now we mostly just ignore him. I have to admit that I found what Aphrodite said to him pretty amusing and I was pleased that he finally stopped bothering us after that.

One day a few weeks later I was walking through camp. I was nervous, to say the least. You're probably wondering why, well it's because it's my wedding day. I'm not getting cold feet I know I want this, I'm just a bit nervous about screwing up my vows or something like that. We decided the wedding would be at camp so all my friends and my mom and Paul could be there.

I took my place at the end of the aisle along with Grover, Tyson, Nico, Frank, Jason, and Leo. Let's just say it was a challenge to convince Nico to wear a suit. I think the only other time that he'd worn one was when he married Will Solace. Speaking of him I saw Will sitting with the other guests, along with Bianca, their daughter, who they had adopted a few years after they married. It was almost hard to believe that she was ten already.

Among the guests, I also saw Luke and Silena, my mom and Paul, Thalia, Juniper, Hazel, and some of my other friends.

Anyway back to the matter at hand, Hera would be carrying out the ceremony and I knew I was fidgeting as I waited for Aphrodite to come, but if anyone had the right to be nervous right now, it was me since I would be marrying the goddess of love and beauty herself.

Although it felt like it took longer than it really did I eventually saw Aphrodite coming toward me.  Of course, she looked gorgeous as always, and it was honestly hard not to stare at her.  Her dress was strapless, it was white with lace and other details on it. It showed off her figure but it was also long with a long train trailing behind it.
A/N I imagined her dress looking kind of like this one but with a longer train

Her hair,  that always looks blonde to me, was in a half up half down style that looked kind of complicated, but then again I don't know much about hairstyling

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Her hair, that always looks blonde to me, was in a half up half down style that looked kind of complicated, but then again I don't know much about hairstyling.

"You look beautiful," I said when she reached me.

she smiled and replied, "You look rather handsome yourself,"

Except for our vows which were phrased a bit differently than the ones mortals usually say, the ceremony was very similar to any normal wedding. Another thing that was different was that Aphrodite didn't really have a father who could be there so she walked down the aisle by herself.

My nerves never really left me until I heard Aphrodite say, "I do,"

Thankfully I didn't screw up my vows or do anything else to embarrass myself. When it was time for me to say my vows I did it without any hesitation. I'd wanted this for a while now I'd just had to wait a while before it could happen.

When I heard, "You may now kiss the bride," I did just that, kissing Aphrodite passionately although we separated before it would seem too long.  After the Ceremony came to an end that was when it fully sunk in for me that I was finally a married man. Most of my friends and family came up to us and congratulated us.

After the reception started I could tell Grover was nervous since he was my best man but he hadn't started eating anything so I think he was doing okay. When it was time for him to give his speech he actually did quite well. Sure he was nervous but he got through it without embarrassing himself or me.

For the reception, Aphrodite was wearing a shorter dress that would be easier for her to dance in.
I imagined it kind of like this

For shoes, she wore  Metallic silver sandals that had a slight heel, but they weren't as high as the ones she normally wears

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For shoes, she wore  Metallic silver sandals that had a slight heel, but they weren't as high as the ones she normally wears.

As always she looked beautiful. and because she enjoyed it we eventually ended up dancing several times. That didn't bother me. Although dancing wasn't one of my favourite pastimes I could do it without embarrassing myself. Aphrodite had made sure of that a while ago since she enjoyed it and I went along with it mainly just to make her happy. Apollo was controlling the music and he played quite a variety of songs.

Basically, Everything went according to plan. I had been slightly concerned that Ares would show up and make a scene but thankfully he hadn't. Maybe he'd finally given up. I certainly hoped he had.

Honestly, I wasn't sure I could be happier as I sat by Aphrodite's side and held her hand. I love her so much and I can't imagine my life without her in it anymore.  Now I no longer have to worry about somehow losing her and I'll be able to spend many more years with my wife. I wasn't sure what would happen in our future together but I was pretty sure the fates couldn't mess with it now since I'm a god.

Percy Jackson Love of AphroditeWhere stories live. Discover now