Chapter 17

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A/N Keep in mind that in this story Aphrodite is going to be a bit different than she is in the origional books.

Third Person pov

There are several things that few people know about the goddess of love. She is an enigma that no-one has ever truly solved. For Starters, she Isn't the one who causes relationships to end, and she feels the pain of every heartbreak. Every mortal who discovers their significant other was having an affair, Aphrodite feels their pain.

Relationships ending after one of those involved was abusive. She felt those too. Others might not have kept their sanity if they had to deal with as much pain as the love goddess. She had managed to hang on through the many long years on her own strength and the support of the only other person who knew the truth. That one other was Hestia.

There was little that the hearth goddess didn't know including the whole truth about who Aphrodite was. Hestia supported Aphrodite when the pain of the heartbreaks became too much for her. Aphrodite had loved most of the men and the few women she had been with over the many millennia, but she realized that they weren't the right one for her.

She knew that there was truly someone out there for everyone, it just takes some longer than others to find each other. It saddened her when sometimes people would never find the person they were meant to be with. Many believed that she was incapable of remaining faithful to someone, but in reality, she could be if she found the right person. She knew it wasn't her husband who she had been forced to marry, nor was it Ares who she believed didn't actually love her but merely stayed with her out of lust.

One relationship The love goddess had watched closely ever since it began was the relationship of Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase. The main thing that drew her attention to the couple was the fact that they were together against their parents' wishes or at least against Athena's, Aphrodite wasn't sure what Poseidon's opinion was.

Another thing that drew Aphrodite's attention was Percy's loyalty and complete devotion to Annabeth. The love goddess knew that Percy would sacrifice his own life to save Annabeth's if it came to that. This became even more evident When he fell into Tartarus with her. Despite all this Aphrodite sensed that their relationship wasn't meant to be.

Around the couple's four year anniversary the love goddess realized that she had feelings for Perseus. She knew that even if she wanted to she couldn't steal Perseus away from Annabeth as she knew his loyalty would withstand practically anything she could do because it was just that strong.

She eventually sensed that Annabeth's love for Percy was beginning to dwindle, and she suspected that their relationship would soon come to an end. Part of Aphrodite wondered if Athena had planned it by piling so much work on her daughter that she didn't have time for Percy. Whether Athena had anything to do with it or not Aphrodite knew that their relationship wouldn't endure for much longer.

The love goddess feared what State Perseus would be left in once their relationship came to an end. She knew that Percy was still completely devoted to Annabeth and that he would be devastated when Annabeth ended their relationship. Even if Aphrodite wanted to save their relationship she knew that their breakup was inevitable. Eventually, as the love goddess had expected she felt the immense pain that Perseus experienced when Annabeth left him. She feared that Perseus might not be able to move from Annabeth based on the pain she felt from him.

Perseus's pain was the strongest she had felt in quite a long time. Her feelings for him had increased since she first discovered them. She wanted him, but she knew he wouldn't accept her until he had completely moved on from Annabeth. After being comforted by Hestia Aphrodite searched for Percy. She sensed that he had left Camp Half-Blood, and when she finally tracked him down she teleported to a spot not far from where he stood. He was clearly not paying attention or was lost in thought since he failed to notice the telltale flash that indicated her arrival.

Percy Jackson Love of AphroditeWhere stories live. Discover now