Chapter 29

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Luke's Point of view

It had been a couple of days since I first came to camp half blood. So far I am enjoying it, I've known about the gods and the camps for a while and I had wondered what camp would be like. Now I know that it is rather fun, it's not just training training training and more training, most of the camp activities are fun and honestly I seem to be pretty good at most of them so far.

Durring a break between activities I headed down to the beach. When I got there I wasn't entirely surprised that it was already occupied, I saw a girl with long black hair, whose back was to me, and a man who except for his choice of clothing reminded me of my dad only older, and this man had a beard while my dad doesn't. After thinking for a minute I thought, could this man be my grandfather?

I got my answer when he noticed me and spoke, he said, "You can come here grandson, we don't bite,"

He was obviously teasing me and His words made the girl realise I was there and she glanced in my direction. I saw she had the same sea green eyes that I and my father have, and I could only assume my father had gotten them from his father since it was obvious that Poseidon had them as well since I now knew that the man in front of me was my grandfather. It seemed that I was the oddball of our group since I had my mother's blond hair instead of the black hair that they had.

I headed toward them blushing a bit embarrassed that I had just been standing thare basically staring at them as I tried to figure out who they were. I also guessed that the girl was probably my half sister. I'd seen her before at mealtimes or the campfire and sometimes noticed her when she was training but we hadn't actually spoken yet. I wasn't quite sure what to say to start a conversation. Finally we started talking and we got to know each other better.

For as long as I could remember I'd wondered who my father was and what he was like, now I was finally getting to know him and now my half sister and grandfather as well. I am enjoying camp so far although I will probably go back to school in the fall. It seemed Like I would be able to use just about any weapon as long as I trained enough.

As much as it would be nice if my parents got back together it was Pretty obvious that wasn't going to happen. I knew my mom was trying to get my dad to take her baack but I was pretty sure that was a lost cause, it was obvious that my dad wasn't interested in taking her back, not to mention that I'd heard he was already with someone else and that someone else was the goddess of love and beauty.

Since I came to camp some of the other campers have told me the stories of some of the quests my parents went on, my mom had never been able to bring herself to tell me since she had always found it hard to talk about my dad and all the quests she went on had also included him. It was obvious that they had both done a lot for the gods and some of the things they did must have been really difficult.

My Grandfather and sister seemed nice enough after I talked to them for a little while, they both seemed to be pretty easygoing people, but Silena seemed the most talkative. I think my dad is planning on taking me to meet my grandmother sooner or later and based on what Silena and my dad have said it sounds like she's really nice.

I have never really had to face too many monsters before now, my mom would always protect me from them since she hadn't started to train me. I was usually able to see the monsters I'd just never had to fight them before. At least now if I ever run into a monster when she's not there I would probably be able to handle it.

Both of my parents had hinted at the fact that I probably also have some powers from my father, although my dad hadn't really tried to train me with those yet. Since I can read more easily than my parents and Silena can I tend to read a lot, and school has never been all that difficult for me. most of the other kids there consider me a nerd even though I don't completely fit the stereotype. Overall my life has been pretty good comapred to what some of the other kids at camp have had to deal with so really I can't complain.

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