Chapter 41

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A/N Well I finally got this done, for a while I wasn't sure what to write in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Percy's point of view

To say I was surprised when Silena revealed she was bisexual would be an understatement, but honestly, that didn't bother me since she is my daughter and I would care about her no matter what. I knew that even when she's an adult she'll still be my little girl. After everything that has happened so far in my life, my mind sometimes goes to the worst possibility when someone has something to tell me. That happened the evening silena told us that she is bisexual. Due to that I was kind of relieved when what she finished what she had to say.

It had been several months since that day, and Luke and Silena have returned to camp. Luke seems like he's almost back to his old self and that's certainly nice to see after what he went through. Despite the fact that he seems to have gotten better he hasn't said anything yet about whether he is gay or not. We suspect that he is but since he hasn't confirmed it yet we can't be sure. Like with Silena I really don't care whether he is or not since he's my son and I'll care about him no matter what.

Silena and her boyfriend still seem to be happy together, and I guess I'm okay with them being together as long as Silena doesn't get hurt. Basically not much has changed and things have been pretty normal. My dad and Tyson visit occasionally and I visit my mom and Paul fairly often. Aphrodite and I are as close as ever and I hope that's not going to change.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but things seem almost too perfect and I'm slightly concerned that the fates might have something planned to change that in the not too distant future. I don't worry about that too much though and just keep carrying on with my life with most days being pretty similar.

Today I went to Camp Half-Blood like I usually do on the weekend, and the day went by pretty normally.  Despite that one, slightly odd thing had happened, there had been one point earlier in the afternoon.  Luke had come up to me and it seemed like he'd wanted to say something, sure we'd talked but it seemed like he'd wanted to say more but hadn't. I wasn't sure what he had meant to say but I didn't think about it much as the day continued.

The rest of the day was basically a normal day at camp. I didn't really follow the exact same schedule as the younger campers did since some of what I did there was training the campers in swordsmanship. Over the years I'd also helped Michael, Luke, and Silena with their sea related abilities. Since the city that Annabeth had come back to design had been completed many of my friends had moved in there. The only ones who hadn't were ones like me and Annabeth who had already made lives for ourselves elsewhere.

The next day was much the same until late in the afternoon when Luke came to me and asked if we could talk. Obviously, I agreed, and we went into my dad's cabin so we would have some privacy. I wondered if he wanted to say whatever he hadn't the day before. I knew that we would have dad's cabin to ourselves for a while since Michael had canoeing and wouldn't be finished until right before dinner. At first Luke and I just talked about unimportant things but eventually Luke got serious, although he also seemed nervous. He was silent for a moment before he said, "Dad, you may have guessed this already, but I'm gay,"

After he said that he seemed to be nervous, waiting for my reaction to what he'd just admitted.

I wasn't that surprised since Annabeth and I had kind of suspected that he was ever since we found out about how he'd been bullied. Since I wasn't that surprised I just stayed calm and tried to reassure him that I was okay with his sexuality since he's my son and that's all that really mattered to me. I told him, "That's okay son, It doesn't matter to me that you're gay you're my son so I'll care about you no matter what,"

Even though we hadn't known whether Luke was gay or not the months it had taken him to recover from the bullying had really given me time to get used to the fact that he was most likely gay and due to that I knew that if he did eventually meet someone that he wanted to be with I would do my best to accept their relationship as long as he was happy.

After that, his nervousness seemed to fade away as I did my best to make him understand that him being gay didn't change how much I care about him. It was nice to see him happy again since he'd been quiet and depressed for so long. We continued to talk about less important things for a while until it was time to go to dinner. Luke seemed to be a bit happier after we finished talking and I think the other campers may have noticed Luke's mood when we walked into the dining pavilion.

That evening passed without much going on although I had to leave not long after dinner since it was Sunday and I had to work the next day. After I got back to my apartment Aphrodite arrived soon after. Although our relationship may seem perfect we still had tough times occasionally, there had been a short time where I thought she might have been cheating on me, but she was able to prove that she wasn't and I'd apologized for accusing her.

Now, we'd put all that behind us and moved on. What had made me suspicious of her was that she hadn't seemed to be coming to see me as often and really what else would she have to do? as far as I knew, the gods don't usually have that many meetings other than the ones on the solstices so I wasn't sure what else she'd be doing in the evening. Regardless I'd found out that she wasn't cheating on me and although it had taken a little while we'd let all that go and were once again happy together. I still kind of felt bad about how I'd accused her, especially since she had been pretty upset by it.

Besides what I've already said, I guess I might have also been slightly paranoid about losing her for multiple reasons. The obvious one is that my last relationship ended badly so deep down I knew this one could as well even though it seemed to be fine up until I got suspicious of her. The other reason was one I was less eager to acknowledge. Although I don't really consider myself old yet, the signs that I'm getting older have become obvious to me. Although Aphrodite hasn't said anything I suspect she has probably noticed as well, and that has only made me more paranoid about possibly losing her to a younger guy.

Don't get me wrong I'm still just in my late thirties, and I'm still in pretty good shape considering my demigod training and my choice of career, but the other telltale signs of aging aren't exactly helping my self-esteem. I know appearance isn't everything but I'm still a little worried. On top of that, there's one downside to having the goddess of love and beauty as your girlfriend. Practically every time we go out on a date I notice other guys eying Aphrodite like they'd like to steal her from me. 

Sure that's not really surprising considering her domains and that her appearance changes to what the person who is looking at her finds attractive, but thankfully Aphrodite ignores them so I usually try to as well. Despite that, I can't help but be a bit annoyed by them, and more recently they also remind me that I'm getting older and that there are plenty of other options out there if Aphrodite eventually decided she was tired of me.

I love Aphrodite and I certainly don't want to lose her, but I know that unless the gods make me immortal I'll eventually die, so even if Aphrodite stays with me for the rest of my life she'd eventually be left alone. Sure I'd been planning to wait until after Silena gets older and moves out on her own, and then I would propose to Aphrodite, but even then the gods would still have to agree to make me immortal. I also knew that things might not even go the way I want them to since the fates seem to like messing with my life, and more recently I sometimes found myself wondering, would Aphrodite even stay with me that long?

Percy Jackson Love of AphroditeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα