Chapter 16

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A/N First of all I'm going to say Thank you to everyone who has been reading this story, It now has 3.6k reads. I never expected to get that many reads on this story mostly because of the ship. I decided to write this story after I read a few Perodite stories myself and realized that all but two of the ones I found were incomplete and most of them were abandoned.  I would have probably finished this, This morning  or this afternoon, but I had practically no time to myself today since I was working on an assignment for the college course I'm taking, and the current unit is driving me nuts. Anyway enjoy the chapter.

Silena's point of view

It's the day after we arrived at camp, and I think my dad is trying to catch up with all his old friends and get to know his half-brother. I'm still not ready to consider the guy my uncle I'm still getting used to all the weird things that come with being a demigod. I'll take it one step at a time. At least now I knew that the few times I had actually seen monsters I wasn't losing it.

I now understood that my dad had protected me from all the monsters that came after us, but now I knew that I would have to train as well. Piper took me to choose my weapon. Things were a bit awkward between me and Piper to be honest since she was technically my half-sister, but my dad was one of her best friends.

Anyway, when we were choosing my weapon something caught my eye. I reached into the shed where the weapons were stored and grasped the hilt of something. As I pulled it out it became obvious that it was a sword but it was surprisingly light. It also felt like it was made for me.

Eyeing the sword I held Piper asked me, "Are you sure?"

I nodded I was sure that the sword was the best choice for me. I didn't know that much about swords yet, but it seemed to have a decent reach and wasn't too heavy. Some of the campers had told me some of the things that my dad had done while he was here, and they were shocking, to say the least.

It was clear that he had to be the greatest hero in history, greater than any of the ones I had learned about in school. Camp would be a lot to get used to, and I couldn't help but wonder if I could actually meet my mother now that I knew who she really was. But now that I knew that my mother was the goddess of love and beauty a few things I had wondered about myself made more sense.

So far I was getting along with my half siblings pretty well, but there were a couple of them that I wasn't particularly fond of. One of those was Drew Tanaka, the other was Amanda Johnson, who was basically Drew's lackey. It was quite obvious that Piper was more like me than the others since she wasn't nuts over fashion, shopping, and spreading the latest camp gossip. After I chose the sword we found the sheath for it and headed off to continue our camp activities.

Percy's Point of view

Since we got to camp I've been getting to know Michael and catching up with my old friends. I'm going to tell piper that I suspected Silena had Charmspeak. Hopefully, once she knew about it Piper would explain it to her and teach to use it but tell her only to use it when absolutely necessary since using it is basically manipulating the person.It's fine to use it on monsters but it's probably best not to use it on people too much. Hopefully, she won't get any ideas about trying it on me.

Michael and I were at the beach, I had been helping him with his powers and he was just turning to leave. Before he got too far I got an idea and smirked. Honestly, I was surprised that I got the idea ever since Annabeth left me I wasn't interested in joking around or anything like that, but when the idea popped into my head I decided to do it.

maybe I was finally starting to dig my way out of the pain. Whether I was or not I made the water pull Michael in. When he tried to do the same to me I managed to avoid it for a while. Somehow though he eventually managed to catch me by surprise. It turned into a water fight.

Childish I know but I suppose it doesn't hurt to just have fun sometimes, even though during the last 12 years there wasn't much I found fun other than spending time with Silena. In the end, I won because Michael had gotten soaked when I first pulled him in since I had caught him by surprise. When he pulled me in I knew what he was doing and was able to protect myself just in time.

When we finally got out of the water our dad appeared with an amused smile on his face.

"Dad," Michael and I said at basically the same time.

He said, "It's nice to see that you two are getting along,"

He spoke to Michael for a minute before turning to me.

He said, "It's nice to see that you are finally moving on,"

I just nodded in response since I wasn't sure if I was moving on just yet.

After Michel wandered off My dad said, "So it was Aphrodite."

I nodded and blushed slightly at the thought of what had obviously happened between me and the love goddess even though I couldn't remember it. Dad and I spoke for a while, he asked how I was doing and wondered how Silena had taken the news when I had told her the truth. I had been Pretty nervous about returning to camp after so long, but so far it was going pretty well and I hadn't seen Annabeth anywhere thank the gods.

I didn't want to ask about her because I really didn't want to talk about her or what happened. I would just continue staying at camp for the two weeks I had taken off and let what would happen happen. After the two weeks are over I will probably still come to camp on weekends since I never really have anything else planned.

After Dad left I started heading back to The Poseidon cabin. Before I got there though Chiron stopped me, he said that he wanted to talk to me. I suspected what he wanted to talk about and I knew I would have to refuse. I hadn't told Chiron yet that I was only staying for two weeks so he probably assumed that I would be staying longer.

He asked me, "Will you teach swordsmanship as you once did?"

I replied, "I can't, I'm only staying for two weeks, although I might come on weekends. I still have a Job in the city, I just got two weeks holidays to come here. I can't abandon that. Especially since I don't think Silena will want to stay year round."

Chiron Nodded understanding, but I think he was slightly disappointed. After that though he seemed to get an idea. He said that I could teach it on weekends. It would give the son of Athena who usually does it a break, and me a chance to get to know the new campers. I argued that I was kind of out of practice since I hadn't really been able to train much since I left camp. Eventually, though I gave in, agreeing to teach swordsmanship on the weekends.

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