Chapter 39

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Annabeth's point of view

I was in the kitchen washing a few dishes since it hadn't been too long since Luke and I had finished eating dinner. I was worried about Luke and I had been for a while now. I knew there was something wrong but Luke just refused to tell me. every time I asked about his school day I would always get the same answer. He would just answer, "Fine," and head right back to his room.

I am the daughter of the goddess of wisdom, but I still didn't know what to do to help my son. I'd tried everything I could think of to get him to talk to me and I still had no answers. I also knew that Percy was Extremely worried about Luke and that he had also tried to get answers out of him but he had also gotten nowhere. I finished the dishes, and I was still trying to decide what I could do to help Luke when I realized that someone was knocking on our door.

I had no idea who it might be, anyone I could think of probably would have phoned or Iris messaged me beforehand to tell me they were coming, and the gods wouldn't have even bothered knocking at all and just appeared in front of me. I opened the door and was rather surprised to see Luke's friend Morgan on the other side of it.

I said, "Morgan, Luke never said you'd be coming over this evening,"

He replied, "Sorry Ms. Chase, but Luke didn't know that I was coming either,"

That just made me more surprised, if it wasn't to spend time with Luke then why was he here?

"Then why are you here?" I asked, more confused than anything.

He replied, "I'm here because I know what's been bothering Luke and I want it to stop, Luke asked me not to say anything which is why I didn't say something sooner, but I just can't watch him go through it anymore. My older brother went through something similar, and we nearly lost him, I won't let that happen to Luke,"

I was speechless for a moment until I finally voiced the question that I'd had for so long now and been unable to answer, "What's been happening to Luke?"

Morgan replied, "The bullies at our school seem to think that he is gay, I'm not sure if he is or not, but they certainly think he is since all they've done since they came up with that idea is torment him with insults and homophobic slurs. I know Luke tried to ignore them at first but I guess he couldn't,"

"Have you told any of your teachers?" I asked wondering if I was the first person he'd told.

"Yes, earlier today shortly after I decided that I couldn't watch Luke be tortured any longer,"

I nodded, I wasn't really annoyed with him for not telling someone sooner, after all, he probably just didn't want to ruin his friendship with Luke since he'd already told me that Luke asked him not to tell anyone. I wasn't sure how long the bullies had been tormenting Luke, but I came up with a guess that it was probably around the same time that I'd first noticed that Luke was getting upset and just didn't really seem like himself.

Shortly after I'd gotten all the answers I needed Morgan left. I knew he lived not too far away from us so I knew that he had probably walked here and that it probably wouldn't take him long to get back home. Now that I knew what was going on I was definitely going to make sure that the bullies would stop bothering Luke even if that meant putting him in a different school.

As much as I didn't want to take Luke away from the few friends he had,  that would be better than leaving him in the school where he was being relentlessly tortured because of his sexuality. Sure I didn't know if Luke was gay or not, he'd never told me but whether he was or not that wouldn't change the fact that he's my son so I would love him and care about him no matter what.

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