Chapter 46

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Percy's Point of view

It had been a couple of weeks since I'd accepted godhood, I was getting used to it and I was honestly enjoying it so far. When I wasn't spending time with Aphrodite or taking care of my domains I would usually visit my friends or family. I am happy although I am sometimes reminded that now I will outlive almost all my friends and family, including my children.

Right now though that was the least of my worries since I was going to meet Aphrodite and we would be going out for a date. I also knew that if everything goes according to plan this date would be special. I was also worried that something might go wrong but I just tried to tell myself that everything would be fine and I was just being ridiculous.

I reached Aphrodite's palace just as she was coming out of the door. She looked as beautiful as always in a blue dress and heels. She wore very little makeup and to be honest I thought she looked better that way. She looked beautiful without it so I didn't think she needed any. Compared to her I didn't think I looked that great but she didn't seem to mind since just before we left she kissed me.

"Where are we going?" she asked when we were about to leave.

I replied, "you'll see when we get there, close your eyes,"

She did what I asked and as I held her hand I transported us to the place I had in mind. We had appeared near a familiar restaurant and I told her she could look. When her eyes landed on the restaurant she smiled and although I wasn't sure she might have even suspected what I was doing. I hoped she didn't since that would ruin the surprise, but I honestly wasn't sure if she did or not. We went into the restaurant and sat down at a table, I was trying to decide if now was the right time to do what I was thinking about or if I should wait and do it once we go to the other place I was thinking about taking her.

To be honest I was nervous even though I would have done this much sooner if I could have. Before I could decide a waiter walked over to us to take our orders, we told him what we wanted and then he walked back toward the kitchens. I was pretty sure he'd been looking at Aphrodite longer than was really necessary but then again, most of the men we encounter while out on dates do.

I couldn't really blame them most of the time, her aura alone makes you want to pay attention to her and once you do there is no way you wouldn't notice how gorgeous she is especially since her appearance changes to suit the preferences of who's looking at her. As our date continued we talked and held hands. It took me a little longer but I soon decided that it would be best to just suck it up and do what I had planned.

I stood from my seat and Aphrodite looked at me with what appeared to be curiosity, and I once again wondered if she suspected what I was doing. It wouldn't really surprise me if she did, she is the goddess of love after all. Not really caring that we were in a public place I sunk to one knee in front of her and began speaking.

I said, "Aphrodite, I love you, and you've helped me through several difficult times in my life since we started dating, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?"

I didn't have to wait very long for her reply as she quickly answered, "Yes,"

I put the ring I got for her on her finger while she was smiling at me brightly. After I stood back up she quickly stood and kissed me before we got back in our seats.

Obviously, I was overjoyed that she'd said yes. I'd decided to ask her not long after I'd become a god. After I'd made that decision I'd gotten a ring. Once that was done I'd planned our date. So far it had gone entirely to plan. I asked her, "Did you guess what I was doing or did I manage to surprise you?"

She answered, "When you brought me here I wondered if you might be planning to propose, but I wasn't sure until you did it,"

I was so happy that she'd accepted I just couldn't stop smiling as our date continued. It seemed I wasn't the only one since Aphrodite was smiling and many of the other people in the restaurant did as well a few even congratulated us. If you're wondering what was so important about the restaurant, it was the one I'd taken her to on our first date.

When we eventually left the restaurant I had one more place I wanted to take her. We were already holding hands so I teleported us to the beach at camp half-blood. Why there? Well, it was where we were when I first acknowledged my feelings for her and acted on them. As we walked on the beach I said, "You know I would have proposed much sooner except I had Silena to think about,"

Aphrodite smiled before saying, "I understand, Silena still needed you,"

Of course, now that I'm a god I'm not going to just forget about Silena and Luke, I do sometimes visit them and Iris message them. I think they were slightly surprised when they found out that the gods offered me godhood again, although I don't think they were too surprised that I had accepted. I think what had surprised them the most was that I'd been made an Olympian and not just a minor god, but then again that had surprised me too.

My date with Aphrodite had thankfully gone entirely to plan and I don't think it could have gone better. Now we had a wedding to plan. Aphrodite ended up doing most of the planning, to be honest since she had many ideas for what she wanted. I chose my groomsmen and best man and helped her decide who would be invited. Beyond that, I only really helped her with a few other things For some things I agreed with what she wanted so we didn't have to discuss those much.

It had occurred to me that by marrying Aphrodite I technically would be stepfather to all of her children obviously not including Silena. To be honest I tried not to think about that too much since one of her kids was one of my best friends and there were three of her children that I already knew I didn't like. I was sure it would be kind of awkward the next time I visit camp but I will deal with that when the time comes.

The last time I'd visited Silena I been slightly surprised when I'd learned that she was seeing someone new and that someone was one of her female classmates. Of course, I was perfectly fine with that as long as she was happy. So far it seemed like she was happy and I was pleased to see that. She'd been pretty upset after she'd had to break up with her boyfriend and although she'd gotten over him it had taken a while.

Now I think the only thing that she was slightly worried about was that she may eventually have to tell her girlfriend the truth about how She wasn't exactly normal. Of course, I don't mean that in a bad way I just mean that she may eventually have to tell her girlfriend that the Greek gods exist and that now she's the daughter of two of them. 

Percy Jackson Love of AphroditeWhere stories live. Discover now