Spell It Out

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Early update because you all have been amazing with these comments!! Thank you and keep em coming for quick updates!

 Songs in this one too! Nazeeha's dress, I actually have it in a different colour and it's heaven OMG!

 Let the romance begin ❤❤


I knew Navsheen was the baby of the family and so a bit more on the sensitive side but this was something else. She was bawling and watching her cry made me want to cry.

I stepped up for my turn to hug and gave her a good pat on the back. "Stop crying, you're making Armaan emotional," I teased her. She let out a strangled laugh before hugging Armaan and then Nazeeha.

The two girls held onto each other for quite some time, new tears flowing down both their faces. Nazeeha's mom had to pull them apart before this went of for hours. I saw Nazeeha say something to Nav, at which they both laughed and Nav instantly looked less upset.

I stepped back as she hugged her parents and then got into the horse drawn carriage. The groom's house was two seconds away but they got transportation for the heck of it. While the bride and groom made their way there, the rest of the family quickly scurried off to welcome the new bride. I was following Zayed and Omar when I saw Nazeeha standing at the side of the house. I slipped away from everyone and went over to her.

"You okay?" she jumped a bit when she heard me.

"Yeah," she cracked a small smile. "Just hate seeing people cry."

"Then say yes to me and end my misery," I half joked, half seriously said to her.

She looked up with a glare but her eyes held amusement. "Cry me a river Ali."

Oh the way she said my name.... Perfection. It was so bad but I couldn't stop staring. She looked really beautiful all dressed up. So far, I'd noticed her in a lot of dark colours but I don't think she realized just how incredible she looked in brighter colours.

"Are you going to go now?" she pulled me out of my trailing thoughts.

"I don't mind staying here with you," I grinned, leaning against the wall of the house.

"Ugh, you're impossible," she began to walk away from me.

"Phir kab milege? (When will we meet again?)" I called out behind her just to push her buttons a bit more.

She looked over her shoulder, her hair flying behind her as if she was in a movie. "Jahannam mein (In hell)" she yelled back.


The next morning I woke up with a start. Nazeeha said she'd give an answer after Nav's wedding was over. Today was the last today, the wedding was going to be over.

I quickly did my missed morning prayers and then prayed extra for Nazeeha to say yes. Inayah bhabhi knocked on my door, all dressed and looking beautiful in her dress for today.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. You obviously remember what today is going to mean and I had to talk to you. Sit down," she pulled me down to sit on the bed.

"What's up bhabhi?"

"Look Ali. I know you're completely head over heels for her. But as a woman, I understand why she hasn't given an answer. It's not easy for girls to get married. It's very different for us than it is for you guys, especially in our culture. Plus she's only 19-"

"She's only 19?" I interrupted.

"How old did you think she was?" Bhabhi chuckled.

"I don't know, but like I assumed she was around 20-21," I shrugged. Even though a year made no difference, it did put things into perspective. But that spoke volumes for how mature she was.

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