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Bit of a heavy chapter, but lots of unravelling of our characters here. Story will slowly be wrapping up now...

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I found her in the middle of the night in a mess of tears, disarrayed hair, and breathing as if she was locked in a coffin.

It was around 2:30am that I felt the bed empty beside me. I sat up to see Nazeeha on the floor, her head in her hands. I got off and walked around and kneeled in front of her.

"Nazeeha, Nazeeha what's happening?" I bent down, putting my hands at the top of her arms, shaking her slightly. "Nazeeha, babe, please answer me, tell me you're okay," I felt like I was going to cry too. She fell into my arms and laid her head on my chest. I could feel her heart just fall into the pieces she's been holding together for months now.

I sat down on the floor and tightened my arms around me, rocking us ever so slightly and just rubbing her arm as comfortingly as I could. She clutched my shirt for dear life till about half an hour later, when her breathing was somewhat normal again.

"Naz?" I hesitantly asked.

"I don't want to go back Ali," she whimpered, her tears resurfacing. Her eyes remained closed. "They treat me like shit, even when I'm not there. I have to struggle so much on my own and I'm so tired. I just want to stay here, and be happy with you, and never have to see them again."

"Who babe?"

"My family. I hate them Ali, they make me so miserable," she hiccupped.

I made her stand up and sit down on the bed. "Why don't you clean up a bit Nazeeha and then we can talk once you're a bit calmer. Go wash up," I said gently. She didn't argue but got up, walked to the bathroom. I went to the other bathroom Armaan used and washed up a bit too so I was awake. I grabbed a glass of water for her too and waited in our room till she finished.

She was shivering. "Why don't you get under the covers for a bit?" I said, pulling the blanket over her legs. "Do you want to talk about this now or later Nazeeha?"

"My mom called."

Oh. I sat down beside her, stretching my legs out too.

"My dad sent more than half the money they kept aside for my wedding to his family here in India. I told them not to wish for stupid things like having a big wedding because this is always how it goes. My mom was so complacent for 20 fucking years and now she wants to fight when it's too late. And she's too dumb, nor has she ever wanted to or actually tried to learn how the world works here for her to stop him from doing such things. And the only person who suffers is me. Now she's telling me to give her 5000 pounds to throw in his face." Her voice was slipping back to the monotone she often used when talking about her family.

"You're going to have to explain from the beginning Nazeeha, I'm a bit confused," I admitted honestly. She sighed, took a sip of the water and then told me everything from the start.

"I'm the first kid in my family to get married, from both sides. My parents have always wanted to do a huge wedding; they never really got on since they married in the UK. They moved to Dubai when I was one. Once kindergarten hit, they sent me off to school in India because my brother was born. I didn't come back to Dubai till four years later, after the twins were born too. When I started school in Dubai, I didn't know how to speak English. I was bullied so much for the first year but of course my parents were too busy fighting between them to notice their eight-year old daughter coming home crying. Because of the three younger kids in the house, my parents really just left me to my own. If it weren't for the fact that I became so close with Navsheen, I probably would've killed myself early on.

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