Yellow Sari

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If you don't know the song above, watch a few seconds of it for reference ;) 

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I woke up earlier than usual, most likely the reason being an unusual weight on me. I opened my eyes to see one of Ali's legs and an arm wrapped around me. No wonder I was so cozy.

I had to skilfully slide out from under him but he groaned when his arm fell onto the bed with a thud. "Sorry," I whispered to him.

"What time is it?" he turned over, shoving his face into my pillow.

"8. Go back to sleep," I told him, walking into the bathroom quickly before he saw my face. I showered, shaved, and got dressed in a plain t-shirt and tights. Today was stay at home and study my face off Saturday.

It was an hour later when I was in the kitchen, staring at the regular pouring rain of England, when Ali came out, still in his PJs.

"Sleep well?" I got up to grab him a glass of juice too.

"Yeah. You fell asleep early though," he smirked, sitting at the counter.

"Yesterday's exam really wore me out," I bit back a grin. "What do you want to eat?"

"Chai?" he looked around for a coffee machine or a teapot probably.

"No can do mister. If you want chai, you'll have to go to Costa across the street," I shrugged, putting down the glass of juice in front of him.

"Babe, it's pouring," he deadpanned.

"Then enjoy my kind of breakfast. Would you like an omelette, toast, or shall I make you some parathas?"


"Look, I'm going to be real with you. I don't cook for shit. But the few things I can make are so good, you'll be at my feet," I promised.

"Okay parathas it is," he nodded. I knew he'd say that because I already had the potatoes and the dough ready.

As I was making breakfast, he went and showered. When he was walking back in, dressed now, a huge yawn came out of him.

"Still not awake?" I chuckled.

"Need my chai," he grimaced.

"I hate chai."

"I can think of other ways you can wake me up then," he snickered, leaning on the counter beside me and playing with a tiny piece of dough.

"A shoe to the face so early in the morning? Sounds a bit uncomfortable," I teased.

"Very funny," he rolled his eyes. "So, what do you do all day?"

"Well Saturdays are my school days. So I finish assignments, work on homework, do my readings. And spend some part of the day just relaxing. I have work tomorrow so I have no idea what you're planning on doing," I turned to him and gestured for a plate.

"Oh don't worry about me," he handed me one. "I'm going to go see a friend, he lives like 20 minutes from here."

"You sure you'll be okay all day?"

"Yeah, don't even worry," he moved over to the dining table again and sat down with his food. One bite in and he moaned all extra. "These are so good."

"Thanks drama queen," I laughed, finishing up the last one for me too. I sat with him and he filled me in about the happenings of home. We just sat way after we finished eating, catching up.

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