Chapter 14✔️

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Grayson POV
We all get to the warehouse and meet up.

" long time no see" Aaron says as we bro hug( idk what its called )

" why are we here?" Jack asks.

" Ok, remember Aiden? He kidnaped Layla and I need to find her quickly. I think she could be seriously hurt and if we don't find her she could die" I say quickly. We don't have a lot of time to just sit and chitchat.

" who's Layla?" John asks in confusion.

" she my girlfriend" I say.

" WHAT! Since when did you get a girlfriend?" Jack yells. I send him a glare.

" it's not important. I just really need her back before she dies" I say in annoyance.

" ok ok I'm in" jack says nodding his head.

" me too" Aaron says. We all look at John and he nods his head.

" okay jack I need you to track this phone call. And John I need you to go get us guns and Aaron I need you to get us out gear" I order.

Aaron isn't really useful until we get to the fighting part.

" okay I found the house" jack says pulling up the address on his portable computer.

" where is it?" I ask leaning over to see the screen.

" um it's 1 hour away" jack tells me. I take a final look at the map and nod my head.

" ok let's gear up and go" I say. The guys all race together and we're out the door in no time.

*long car ride later*

We get to the house and there's guards everywhere. The windows have bars over them and ten million locks on the doors. This isn't sketchy at all.

" why do they have it all guarded and locked?" Aaron asks.

" I don't know he probably planned this." I say. I just need her back.

We sneak over to the side of the house. Jack stayed in our car as John, Aaron and I got Layla.

"How do we get in?" Aaron asks. He looks to me and I look around trying to find a way in.

John says nothing and pulls out a metal cutter and cut through the bars on the window. I guess that will work.

We carefully opened the window and slide in.

We stay silent and quietly search the house. We make it to the living room and stop.

I can see Aiden and his friends drinking. While the bodyguards stood by.

I look at John and Aaron and signal to go in and beat the sh*t outta them. We load up our guns and the fight is on. Aaron and John take the guards. While I face Aiden.

" where is she?" I spit angrily. The look on his face was one of pure enjoyment. That sick psycho.

" oh your too late. I already killed her" he smirks. His eyes twinkle with mischief and all I want to do is to end it right here.

" no you didn't" I say in denial. He couldn't have, she's still alive. I know it.

" oh believe me I did" he lets out laugh and shakes his head at me.

That's it I aim at him and shoot him in the shoulder. He instantly goes down and I kick him in the stomach. I search the house for Layla. I walk down the hall and see a cellar door. I try to pull it open. It's locked. I stand back and shoot the doorknob. I kick the door down and see Layla tied to her bed with blood all over the room.

" NO" I cry un-tying her and picking her up in my arms.

" baby wake up" I say trying to wake her. I pick her up and see smoke everywhere. F*ck. Someone must have set the house on fire.

There was fire at the door (which was the only way out) and we were trapped. I look for a way out. I see a small window at the side of the room. It's only big enough for her to fit. I put her down and pry the window open. I see John outside our window and I pick Layla's limo body up and she slides through the window and into Johns arms.

John holds out his free hand to me but I shake my head.

" I can't fit. Hurry go get Layla to a hospital" I yell coughing out. The smoke was getting bad and the heat was overwhelming.

" I'm not leaving with out you" John says.

" you need to go. Please John Protect her" I plead with him.

He nods his head and I see him run to the car and Aaron follows behind him while Jack races away from the scene.

All I can hope for is that Layla will be all right.

I sit in the burning room as I slowly start to drift into darkness.

Lots happened in this chapter.... anyone else scared as to what will happen next?

Remember to vote and comment what you think! Bye 😋😋

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