Chapter 22✔️

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Layla POV
Grayson's solution to getting better was to go to therapy. At first I wanted to slap him at that suggestion but after some time the suggestion grew on me. What's the harm in going? And Grayson said he'd be sitting beside me the whole time.

Today is finally the day of therapy and I'm sitting on my bed watching my favourite show.

After the show ended I hear a knock on my door.

" if your name starts with a 'g'and ends with a 'n' please leave" I yell at him. Ok so I said the suggestion grew on me, I didn't say I wanted to go.

" very funny" I hear Grayson say.

" last time I checked your name starts with a 'g' and ends with a 'n' so leave." I say.

" Layla, we agreed to do this." He says outstretching his hand.

" I know, I'm sorry" I say sadly. I take his hand and we walk out to his car and we head to therapy. Once we arrive we sit on these very comfy chairs and face one line chair. The room was too bright for my liking. I clutch Grayson's hand and see his eyes fill up with hope. For weeks I haven't touched him, kissed him, or even say I love you.

The therapist comes in and sits on the line chair. She asks both Grayson and I questions and she asks me to open up and tell me all my feelings. It takes me time but I slowly open up.

" Layla, what's your biggest fear?" She asks me. I look at her in confusion but answer anyway.

" Losing Grayson" I answer her looking towards Grayson to see his reaction.

" Do you think that's why your backing away from him? Your leaving him before he can leave you" She says like she just read my mind. I've been pulling away because I don't want to get my heart broken, I'm already sad enough I don't need more pain.

" I've been doing that to everybody I love. Everybody that I've ever cared about I now don't talk too" I tell her.

She asks more questions and then the hour was over.

" I'd like you guys to come in again in a week. I think this was good for both of you" She tells us and I actually don't really mind if we go again. We say our goodbyes and walk back to his car.

We get in and sit not saying a word.

" Thanks for taking me here. I know I'm not going to instantly get better but I think this is helping. Do you still love me? I know I haven't really been the best girlfriend but I'm trying to get better" I say to him while looking in his eyes.

" no baby I love you so much. You've been the best girlfriend ever. Your my world and if I ever lost you I would go crazy" he says.

I cry and look at my hands. I'm no good. Grayson deserves so much better.

" baby don't cry. I love you and we can get through this together" he says kissing me.

A couple weeks have passed and we've been to many therapy sessions. It's been helping a little but I'm still not the same.

Its graduation day but I don't find myself caring at all.

" baby let's get ready" he says kissing my cheek. I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom.

Grayson POV
I can't take it anymore. I want her back. Shes been miserable. I'm pretty sure she hates me too. I say I love her, she just flips me off. I'm trying so hard but I'm lost.

Layla walks out of the bathroom wearing some high waisted shorts and a tank top.
" you look beautiful baby" I say going to kiss her. She pushes me away.

" why are you pushing me away. I love you and your just pushing me away" I say.

" why do you even like me. I'm fat, ugly and I'm an emotional mess. You deserve someone that loves you everyday, someone that's beautiful and thin and smart. Someone that makes you happy" she says crying. This is the depression talking.

" baby, I love you so much. You are stunning and your so smart and you have a beautiful body. You make me the happiest person alive and please don't think anything about that. You are beautiful to me and I love you" I say.

She slowly comes toward me and hugs me. For the first time since the day I found her in the bathroom she hugged me. I quickly hugged back. She backs away and I wanted to keep her there forever.

" I love you too" she smiles. Gosh how I missed that smile.
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