1.1: Meet Stark Rogers'

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Baby cries.

"Steve..." Tony mumbles in sleep.

"You go." Steve said wanting just a few more hours of sleep.

"I was the last time. It's your turn." Tony said.

Steve knows how stubborn is Tony so he gave up. He uncovered himself, sit on bed and put some t-shirt on. He turned off baby monitor and went to the neighbour bedroom. He picks up little baby girl. Jamie. Named after James Rhodes, Tony's best friend and James Barnes, Steve's best friend. The moment Steve took his daughter she stopped crying.

"You wanted to see your pops, ha?" Steve said with lack of sleep but still with smile on his lips. He kissed her forehead and sing Twinkle, twinkle. Soon she fell asleep again and Steve went back to the bed, next to his husband.


Maria and Sarah woke up by crying of their little sister Jamie.

"Again! Why she cries all the time?" Maria said in annoyance.

"She's baby, Maria. She doesn't know what she's doing." Sarah said.

"I'm going to wake up dads." Maria said.

"She already took all of their attention." Sarah said rolling her eyes.

"Are you two deaf? Don't you hear Jamie's crying?" Maria said as she enters parents' bedroom.

They both opened their eyes as they hear their middle daughter yelling.

"What's up?" Tony asked sleepy.

"Oh, I forget to turn on monitor last night after she fell asleep." Steve said so he stood up and went to baby's bedroom.

"Let's go eat something. Call Sarah." Tony said and went to kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"So Maria, how are you feeling about tomorrow's going to school?" Tony asked.

"I am not going!" she said angry but more afraid of the new environment.

"Honey, you'll see it's going to be fine." Tony said.

"I don't want to go to school." Maria said.

"It's okay. I'll show you the school." Sarah said.

Maria was not so happy but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Someone rang on doorbell.

"I will!" Steve yelled from living room.

"Who is it now?" Sarah asked.

Tony shrugged. "Let's see."

They saw someone hugging Steve.

"Bucky?" Sarah asked not believing her eyes. They all thought he is in Europe.

"And what do you think?" Bucky said with open arms waiting for hug. Sarah and Maria run to him. "I have presents from Europe for you two. And where's my little namesake?" Bucky asked.

"I'm going to bring her down." Steve said. "Make yourself comfortable."

"So Barnes, you still wander around?" Tony said happy to see him.

"Oh come here." Bucky pull him into hug.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Tony asked.

"You are never gonna change, Stark." Bucky said.

"Stark Rogers." Tony corrects him but he knew he will always be Stark to him.

"So," Bucky sat on couch and makes himself comfortable "Sarah, any boyfriend 'round the corner?" Bucky asked with his Brooklyn accent and winked.

"Of course not, she is just fifteen." Tony said and looked at her face expression. "Right?" he asked suspicious.

"Uhm..." she started to think what to say but then Steve came with the baby.

"Here is our little princess." he said.

"She's adorable." Bucky said and while he was admiring her Tony signalized Sarah to come to the kitchen.

"Whats' up?" she said.

"A boyfriend! You have a boyfriend?" Tony said crossing his arms.

"So what? Half of the girls in my class have one." Sarah said in her defense.

"You are too young. You don't know what is true love." Tony try to say it in calm way.

"And when I'm supposed to go on dates? When I'm eighteen?" she asked sarcastically.

"Of course not, I was thinking thirty but maybe we can agree at twenty-five?" Tony said seriously and she give him really look with one raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Okay, I know I'm a little bit overprotecting but promise me you won't do something stupid." Tony said.

"I promise." she said and Tony hug her. She hugged back but he didn't leave for next twenty seconds.

"Dad?" she said.

"Sorry. I'm just... My little girl grew up so fast." Tony said sad, happy and proud in the same time.

"I'll always be your little girl." Sarah said and Tony smiled and kissed her.

"Let's see what they're doing." Tony said.

"Tony, where were you two?" Steve asked.

"In the kitchen. Need something?" Tony said.

"Where will Bucky sleep?" Steve asked.

"I can sleep on couch. It's not big deal." Bucky said.

"We have bed on the attic. You may sleep there." Tony said.

"Sure." Bucky said and went upstairs with his baggage.

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