1.2: The first day of school

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"C'mon Maria, open the door." Tony said in front of closed door of Maria's and Sarah's bedroom. "You don't want to be late for the first day."

"That's exactly my plan." Maria yelled from inside.

"Let me." Sarah said and Tony moved from the door.

"Look Maria if you are late you can't sit where you want and you'll probably sit next to some weird geek." Sarah said and Maria opened the door.

"How did you do that?" Tony asked amazed.

"I have my ways. And they cost." she reached her palm.

Tony roll his eyes at her daughter's wisdom and gave her money. She went happy to the car in front of house.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Steve asked Bucky.

"It's not big deal. I mean she's just a baby." Bucky said holding little Jamie.

"Yeah but you're holding her wrong." Steve said.

"Oh now there's right and wrong way to hold baby?" Bucky asked.

"There always have been." Steve said and showed him. "You have to hold her head like this. Careful."

"Steve we're late." Tony yelled from the car.

"Gotta go. If you need something give us a call." he said and go to the car.

Bucky entered house with Jamie in his hands. Then she started crying.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked but she just continues crying. "Why are you crying?" Bucky said. He has no idea what to do so he googled why are babies crying and he found few reasons.

"Wants to be held - I'm holding her. Teething - what's that? Hunger -" he stopped and gave her baby's bottle full of milk that Steve before prepared but she refuses. "Needs sleep - she just woke up. A dirty diaper -" he smelled it. "Bingo! If it isn't that the skunk entered the house."

He lay her on couch and opened diaper. "What did they feed you with?" Bucky said.

After he changed it baby was smiling again.


"Appleeee!" Sarah ran as she saw her best friend.

"Who can name their child Apple?" Tony said looking at her daughter hugging girl named Apple.

"Someone clearly can." Steve said shrugging his shoulders.

"Hi mister and mister Stark Rogers. I am Apple. Oh you must be Mary." Apple said.

"Mari-a." she corrected.

"And what did I say? Anyway, gotta go. See you soon." Apple said and she went away with Sarah.

"Sarah really knows how to chose friends." Tony commented.

"There is your class, Maria. You should go now." Steve said.

"Okay, bye." she said and follow other kids in the class.

"It wasn't that hard how I thought it would be." Steve said.

"Yeah, she didn't want to come out of the room this morning." Tony said.

"Let's go on a date. We didn't have one in awhile." Steve said and took Tony's hand.

"Hubby is taking me out. What's the occasion?" Tony said surprised.

"I love you. And we wasn't alone together for some time. Are those good reasons?" Steve asked.

"I would go if there were no reasons, honey. And I love you too." Tony said.

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