3.2: Christmas Day

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*door bell*

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*door bell*

"Honey, open the door, please!" Steve yelled from the kitchen. He was making cake for Christmas. "Fuck." he murmured to himself as he left more sugar than he should.

"Language." Bucky said from behind him with smile.

"Buck, could you finish the cake? And just take out turkey when it's over. I'm going to see where are girls." Steve asked.

"Of course. Go." Bucky said.


"Mamma, papa, what are you doing here?" Tony asked surprised.

"Hi, Anthony. Merry Christmas. You won't kiss us?" Maria Stark, his mother asked. He rolled eyes and kissed his parents.

"Merry Christmas!" he said too.

"Baby, who's that?" Steve asked entering living room.

"Steve! My beautiful Steve, how are you?" Maria asked and kissed him.

"Oh Maria! Howard! I,'m good. Fine and you?" he said.

"Very well. And where are my princesses?" Howard said looking at empty house.

"Nana, grandpa!" Maria run downstairs followed by Sarah. They hug their grandparents.

"Steve," Bucky came holding Jamie, "oh hi mrs. Stark. Howard. Merry Christmas. Steve, I think turkey is burned."

"What? How? Why you didn't take it out?" Steve started freaking out.

"Steve, Steve, calm down. I'll make lunch just relax." Maria said.

"Jamie, come to grandpa. Come here." Howard said and she made few footsteps when he took her.

*door bell*

"Sarah darling, open the door please." Tony said.

Now Sarah and Joseph, Steve's parents, entered.

"Hello." Sarah, Steve's mother said happily.

"Merry Christmas!" Joseph said.

"Granny, grandpa! Merry Christmas." Sarah said and hugged them.

"Here Tony, we brought turkey and champaigne." Sarah said and Tony took it.

"Great. One turkey's just burned. I'm going to take it to the kitchen." Tony said.

"Mom, dad!" Steve said smiling.

"Steven. Come here!" his mum said and kissed him.

"Mom, don't embarass me!" he whispered.

"Am I ever?" she said, "Are you eating healthy?"

"Yes, mom." Steve said annoyed like he's a teenager.

"Sarah, he's not boy anymore." Joseph said.

"I'm taking care of him, don't worry." Tony comes behind Steve and hugged him tight. And kissed him.

"Cheese." Sarah said and went to took picture of them.

"Wait!" Maria said and took a mistletoe from Christmas tree, stand on couch and put mistletoe above their heads as they kissed. "Now you can take a pic." Sarah did and Tony didn't wait a moment to post it on his instagram.

"Lunch's over!" Maria called from kitchen as she served plates.

Big family was together on Christmas. They were grateful for moments like this. The most important, they were happy and feel loved.

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