3.4: Spring cleaning

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Tony was bored with all day house cleaning so he turned the radio on. The song was familiar. The time of my life from Dirty dancing. He remembered when he and Steve started dating and the first movie they watched together was Dirty dancing. Steve liked it very much. Tony volumed up and came behind Steve.

"Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you." Tony sang as Steve smiled and take his husband's hands.

"'Cause I've had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you." Steve continued and they remembered every dance move like it was yesterday. They were so happy in moments like this.

As the song goes to an end so goes the dance. Steve stretched out his hands for Tony to jump and pick him up.

"Come on." Steve said.

"I don't know if I can still do it." Tony said insecure.

"Of course we can. We didn't get that old." Steve said.

Tony goes forward and Steve picks him up above himself with his strenght. They smile at each other when Bucky and Sarah entered. Steve puts Tony down.

"Is that what you call spring cleaning?" Bucky asked.

Tony smiled in Steve's hug.

"We took a pause." Steve said and kissed his husband.

"Bucky, how was the date?" Tony said winking at him.

"Fine." he said.

"Details!" Tony said.

"We are friends with benefits... kind of... thing." Bucky said.

"Good go! And how is sex?" Tony winked.

"Tony!" Steve said.

"What?" he asked.

"We didn't..." Bucky said and run to his room.

"You think he couldn't...?" Tony whispered as they watched Bucky leave.

"Maybe." Steve said shrugging his shoulders.

"Go talk with him. Tell him he is probably not gay." Tony said and Steve went.

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