1.3: Party

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Sarah slowly and silently entered dark living room in her house. Then suddenly someone turn lights on.

"Stop right there, young lady." Tony said.

"Dad, hi." she said.

"What's the time?" Tony asked.

"Good question. Why are you up so late?" Sarah asked.

"I'm always up late, Sarah. It's midnight and twenty four minutes and when you should be home?" Tony asked.

"Midnight and twenty four minutes? Obviously my clock on mobile phone stopped I don't know what's going on with this technology..." Sarah tried to get out of the situation.

"I'm not Steve to believe that. You are grounded for one week." Tony said.

"But dad... Subway was late and I..." Sarah tried again.

"Enough. Go to bed." Tony said with authority. He was the strict parent.

She roll her eyes and go to her bedroom.


"Tony!" Tony heard Steve's soft morning voice calling him.

"Mhm..." Tony murmured and wanted more sleep.

"C'mon baby we're late." Steve said.

"Late where?" Tony asked with barely opened eyes.

"We're taking girls to amusment park, remember?" Steve said.

"Just one more minute." Tony said yawning and closing his eyes again. Steve gave up, put on some clothes and went to wake up girls.

"Good morning!" Steve said loud and clear as he entered Sarah's and Maria's bedroom and opened curtains so morning sunshine entered bedroom.

Sarah went deeper under her blanket.

"Not yet." Maria said half sleeping.

"What's wrong with you people. Am I only morning person in this house?" Steve asked and then Jamie started crying.

"Obviously no." Maria said and he went to check on baby.


"And where do you think you are going?" Tony asked Sarah.

"Aren't we going on some trip or something?" Sarah asked.

"We do. You are staying with Bucky. Did you forget last night?" Tony said.

Then she get idea. What if she stays home and organizes a party while they're away. Bucky wouldn't care.

"Okay." she agreed.

"Bucky, you are responsible for her..." Tony tried to give him fast speech about Sarah.

"Okay I know." Bucky just said. "Go already."

As soon as they closed the door Sarah texted to her best friend Apple: "Party at my place tonight. Tell others."


Bucky entered living room full of drinks, food, music and Apple.

"Who are you, where is Sarah and what's going on in here?" Bucky asked.

"I could ask you the same question." Apple said.

"I live here and I asked first so tell me or I'll call the pol..." Bucky said.

"Hey Bucks. You can come too on my party just don't say dads about this, please." Sarah said entering living room.

"We have to talk." he said looking at her. "Privately." Bucky said looking at Apple. She look back without reaction. He repeated last part.

"I think you are private. I mean you are at home..." Apple started but Sarah interrupt.

"Can you bring pizza from the kitchen?" Sarah told her.

"Sure." she said and went away.

"Did she run away from mental hospital?" Bucky asked.

"No. She's just... like that." Sarah said.

"Sarah, you are punished so please cancel the party." Bucky said.

"I'm grounded. I can't go out but I can do whatever I want inside the house." Sarah said.

"Let's clear up something. You are under my control and I can ask your parents, I'll tell them..." Bucky started.

"No. It's okay. I'm gonna cancel it." Sarah said.

"Okay." Bucky said. "So, are you for ice cream?"

"Did someone mention ice cream?" Apple showed up from kitchen.

"But I'm grounded." Sarah said.

"They don't have to know everything." Bucky said and winked. Sarah smiled and nodded.


"What do you say about this cars?" Tony asked.

"No, I want to go to that ride with princess." Maria said.

"Well then, let's go there." Tony said.

"Tony, she's crying again." Steve said when Jamie started crying.

"You think she's teething?" Tony asked.

"Probably." Steve said.

"I'm going to walk around with her while you're on that ride." Tony said and went away with her.

"Papi?" Maria said.

"Yeah honey?" Steve asked.

"Why are babies crying?" Maria asked.

"Because they don't know how to talk and that's way how they express themselves." Steve said.

"But how you know what's the reason of them crying?" Maria asked.

"Well you have to guess if baby's hungry or sleepy or something else." Steve said. "Two tickets please, one child, one adult."

Steve payed tickets and when he turned around Maria wasn't around.

"Maria!" he went through crowd. "Maria!" then he saw little girl crying on bench. "Maria, hey." he said from worried to happy.

"Papi!" she said and hugged him.

"Are we going on that ride?" Steve asked.

"Yes." she said happy.

"Okay. Hold my hand." he said.


"How was the ride?" Tony asked.

"It was amazing. We were up near clouds." Maria said and Steve smiled.

"Is she sleeping?" Steve asked and Tony nodded.

"Yeah, it will rain. We should go home." Tony said.

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