2.4: Spied date

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It was storm outside. Rain and thunderstorm.

Tony and Steve adore that weather because on that days they would stay in the bedroom all day and cuddle or make out or just talk under warm blankets and listen to silent music in the background. That was how their lazy day looked.

Bucky hate that weather. All thunders make him remember the time he was in army and in war.

"Let's go in bed." Tony say lazy relaxing head on Steve's shoulder.

"You go, I'll be up in 5 minutes." Steve said and Tony kiss him on lips before going upstairs.

Steve then went to attic to see how's Bucky doing.

"Hey. Sleeping?" Steve said silently not wanting to wake him up if he does.

"No." Bucky turned to face Steve.

"Try to get some sleep. Would you like to sleep down on couch?" Steve asked.

"I'll be fine Steve. Don't worry." Bucky said.

"Okay then. Good night." Steve said and go to his bedroom where his husband was waiting for him.

Bucky laid in sleeping position but it was hard not to think about war. He put earphones and music finally relaxed him. He got some sleep but then suddenly, he got nightmare. His breathing got harder and he started to cry. While moving in bed he fell on the floor and that woke him up. He went to Steve's and Tony's bedroom. He entered slowly so they don't hear and lay near them. They were spooned on one side of the bed and bed was big anyway, so he was comfortable. It made him calm when someone's with him.

In the morning Tony woke up and he felt pressed from both sides. He was hugging Steve as always but from back he saw arm around him. He turned to see Bucky. He was shaking.

"Bucky?" Tony called him.

"No, no!" he shook even more not leaving Tony.

"Steve, Steve!" Tony woke Steve up.

"Mhm." Steve murmured.

"Steve, Bucky is not okay." Tony said.

Steve instantly wake up to see Bucky sleeping and talking on other side of bed, but his breathing wasn't regular.

"Bucky! Everything is okay. Bucky, wake up!" Steve yell.

Bucky opened eyes, barely breathing. Then Steve hugged him.

"You okay?" Steve asked.

Bucky nodded coming back to normal.


As Tony went to pick up Jamie he heard Sarah talking with someone.

"I know, he is so hot." Sarah said.

When Tony heard that he had to hear the rest.

"But Cindy..." she said and listen to the voice on other side of line.

"I can't do that to Apple. If she found out that I'll go on date with him, she'll freak out. She's head over heels." Sarah said.

Tony really cared about his sixteen years old daughter, so what is he supposed to do? Should he talk to her or tell Steve. He decided to tell Steve.

"Come on Tony. She is young but not naive. Let her date guys." Steve said.

"But..." Tony said.

"What but?" Steve interrupt.

"Last month she was with another guy. We didn't even meet him and now she's dating someone else." Tony said.

"She's not with that guy six months already." Steve said.

"Thank you for telling me. I thought we are equal parents and now I see you are hiding things from me!" Tony said as he left the room.

"Tony wait!" Steve tried but Tony was already out.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked Sarah as she was leaving house.

"Out." she said.

"I see. And who you asked?" Tony asked her.

"Pops said I can go." she said.

"Sure. Whatever he said." Tony commented.

"Bye." she said and left. Tony followed her.

She went to very fancy restaurant and someone was already waiting for her. She sat near him. Tony stood in the hall hiding behind coats and looking through barely opened door. He didn't hear what they're talking about. Then his phone rang.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Tony, where are you?" Steve asked.

"Out?" Tony said.

"Where? You didn't say you are going out." Steve asked a little bit angry.

"Sorry dad." Tony said sarcastically.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" Sarah said surprised when she went to toilet and saw Tony behind the coats.

"Hey." Tony said.

"Is that Sarah?" Steve asked and Tony ended phone call.

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked.

"I asked first." she said.

"You don't say, I don't say." Tony said.

"Fair enough." Sarah agreed.

Tony went home and Sarah went back to finish her dinner. Tony won't even look at his phone. He knew that there's tons of missed calls from Steve.

"Oh you remembered to come home." Steve said with arms crossed.

"Steve please. I'm not in the mood." Tony said and went to bedroom.

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