Chapter 1

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I been running away from an abusive boyfriend. Move to United Kingdom just to get away. Yet I always look over your shoulder. The image of him brings chills down my spine. Shacking off the thought. I keep driving to the Heelshire home. Luckily enough to found a job and a place at the same time. Running my fingers through my h/c hair. Keeping your eyes on the road. I was about to give up till I see the house. Happy for I have barely any money left. But the house gives off a creep vibe by it looks alone. But I need the money and the hiding spot from my ex. Parking my car place and grabbing my bags. I sigh don't know this is a good idea. I'm so scared of your ex. He abusive me non stop. He wanted a personal salve that he can hit around without getting in trouble. Shacking from those horrible memories. I went to the house and knock on the door. A elderly man open the door and greeted me. "Hello miss you must be Y/N." "That's right sir you must Mr. Heelshire." "Yes you must be tried from your tried. Come inside my wife would like to say." Going inside the house. It is very old and not a single modern thing in the house. Weird for a 8 year little old living in this house alone. A elderly woman came down the stairs. "Hello you must be the new nanny. I'm Mrs. Heelshire. You already meet my husband." "Yes I'm Y/N the new nanny. Is Brahms asleep." "Yes Brahms loves his sleep." Mr. Heelshire came up behind me after he spoke. They show me to my new room. Which is right across Brahms room. Little weird but they want to me to hear Brahms if he need something. I couldn't see Brahms yet since they don't want to wake him. I thank them for their kindness they show to me. They said they left money for me and everything was paid off. They wanted a vacation. So it was going to be me and Brahms till they get back. Well time for bed. Going to my new room. Opening my bags and pick f/c pjs. As I hit the bed. I was out like a light.

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