Chapter 10

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It's been a couple days. Since the accident. Brahms stay in his hiding room. He barley comes out. Only times he does. Is food done, I knock on the walls, or get him myself.

I feel so bad. Waking up without Brahms besides me. Even cry myself to sleep. He haven't spoke to me at all. I try everything to get him to spoke to me. Nothing works.

Instead he works on his doll. God I mess up bad this time. I try to focus on making dinner. Till a hear glass breaking. Brahms never done it. Even when he is mad at me.

The lights shut off. Starting to panic. I grab the knife. That I was cutting vegetables with. But I couldn't see a damn thing. "You sure this girl is here." "Yes you idiot now shut up. Before you blow our cover."

Got to me kidding me. Quietly as I can. I got to the wall and knock on it. Please Brahms help me. "Hey boss I heard something." "Yeah I did too. Come on." Great they have flashlights.

I hid behind the counter. Praying that Brahms will come down. I held tightly to the knife. Suddenly I'm pick up. Trying to stab the guy. But he knock out the knife out of my hands. I scream.

"Hey boss I got her." "Good job." They guy put his hand over my mouth. It muffles my screams. The other guys comes over. I'm so scared. What they want from me. The guy that holding me get his hand off of me. "Hey girl you know what happened to (ex boyfriend)."

My e/c eyes went wide. I shake my head. "Wrong answer." He cut me across my s/c arm. I scream in pain. "Now I ask again. What happened to him." "I swear to god. I don't know!" "Wrong answer again."

I close my eyes waiting for it. It didn't happened. I hear the other guy choking. The one holding lets go and try to stop. I feel on the ground. Opening up my eyes. I see Brahms choking on the other guy.

Once that's one is dead. Brahms turns his attention to the other one. He grab the knife and stab him in the neck. I back away. Thinking Brahms might kill me too. Since I thought he still mad at me.

Brahms come over to me. He sees the cut on my arm. He pick me up. I cry and hug him. The best I could with my injured arm. Brahms takes me to the bathroom. He clean my wound and warp a bandage around it.

Brahms hug me. I hug him back. Still crying from that. "I'm sorry Y/N." He rubs my back. Brahms takes my to his room. We go to his bed. He still holding me. I didn't let go. He stay with me all night.

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