Chapter 4

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After couple weeks. Things been different. I follow the rules everyday. But it seems I get pull to a another room. Or where I'm about to fall. Someone caught me before I hit the ground. My stuff still goes missing. The feeling of being watch always there expect when I go to sleep. I thought quitting the job real soon. But there something here that I want to stay. Finally Malcolm came. He really nice and told me what happened to Brahms. It so sad. Brahms was a prime suspect of murdering his friend. Then one day when he is in the house. It caught on fire and Brahms die in the fire. I felt more sorry for Brahms. I always carry him almost everywhere I go. He talk to me couple times. I talk back to him. Just have a feeling that he happy that someone is there for him. And understands him. I'm holding Brahms when Malcolm came over with the groceries. We talk about our past. I explain why I move here and took the job. He gave me a hug carefully with Brahms in my arms. Malcolm felt really sorry for me. He stay for dinner. His phone made a sound for bad storm warning. Looks like he staying the night over. It's almost bed time for Brahms. Before taking him to bed. I show Malcolm the room where he be sleeping at. Malcolm is so sweet and nice. He was about to ask me something. There a huge knock on the front door. I went downstairs with Brahms still in my arms and Malcolm right behind me. Opening the door. I almost drop Brahms. It's (ex boyfriend). How did he find me here. "Hello Y/N. Miss me." "N-no." This can't be happening. He didn't say anything else but push me aside. Malcolm caught me. (Ex boyfriend) look piss and try get me arm. I pull back and told him to leave. He argue and he piss now. This is not good. He took Brahms from me. I chase after him to get Brahms back. We went to the room with the huge mirror. "(Ex boyfriend) please don't hurt him." "This is just a stupid doll. If I break him. You lose this job. And you will came back with me." I scream as he smash Brahms head on the floor. Tears swell up in my e/c eyes. I heard the mirror breaking. I look at it. I hear ......

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