Chapter 7

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Waking up. My body is still sore from last night. Smelling at my armpits. Yuck I need a shower. Getting up from the bed. I look at the clock. 7:00am so I have a hour before waking up Brahms. Going through my clothes. I pick my f/c blouse and f/c leggings. Going to the bathrooms. Being quiet so I won't wake up Brahms. Finally reaching the bathroom. I headed to the shower. As I washing out the shampoo out of my h/c hair. I hear the door being open. The only people in the people in the house. Are me and Brahms. My turn red and I peak my head out the shower curtain. Thank god it wasn't see through. I see Brahms looking at my clothes. "Brahms please get out!" He jumped a bit. Thank god that he left and close the door. Seriously I need to check the lock on the door. Finish my shower without any interpretations. I got dress and headed downstairs to start on the breakfast. I need to talk Brahms about personal space e especially when I'm not dress at the moment. Anyways I look at fridge. We have enough foods for couple weeks. Grabbing the eggs, bacon, and ham. Cooking up a normal breakfast. Hearing Brahms coming down the stairs. I look at him then look away. My face is bright red. Even though he wearing his mask. But he is shirtless. I guess he took a shower. Since he wearing different kind of pants. Get it together Y/N. I finish up the food and get his plate ready. I bring him his plate. Trying my best to let my face be red. I take my plate and eat in the living room. Finish with my plate. I went to check on Brahms. I grab his plate and do the dishes. He went back upstairs. Hopefully get a shirt. Then again not. He have a average build. Which is not bad at all. What I'm thinking. Finish with the dishes. I knock on the wall. Since I though he respond better. He came back this time with a shirt on. I ask what he want to do. He grab my hand and led me to the study room. Brahms lets go and went to find a book. He found a book. Its (favorite book). I smile as he handed me the book. I was about going to sit. Till he grab by my waist and pull me to his lap. My s/c face went blood red. As I being to read. Luckily my voice didn't crack. I was about to finish with the book. When Brahms put his head on my neck. He went to asleep. I try to get up. But he tighten his grab. "Y/N please stay." I sigh and lean back. He relax again. Will a nap won't hurt.

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