Chapter 3

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Here more of the list of rules from the movie.

After they left. I went to clean the trips but the doll in every room. Since one of the rules is never let him to be alone. Expect for bedtime and eating. Cleaning the last trip. I pick up Brahms and look at the time. It was noon. Hungry since I had to find the traps in this huge house. Went back to the kitchen. Putting Brahms down on dinning room chair. I wiped up some grilled cheese sandwiches. I put the plate in front of the doll. I eat around to figure where his music was. I found it and put it on the recorder. Classic music is very smoothly at times. Finishing up my sandwich. I went to check on Brahms. The sandwich was gone. Okay that's super weird. I know that ghost don't eat. "Okay Brahms don't try anything weird. I don't want to have heart attack at this age." Grab his plate and put in the sink. Looking at the clock. Only one in the afternoon. Yep this is going to be a long day. I look at the doll. Well at least I could read stories to him to pass time. Picking the doll up and went where the books are. "Alright Brahms hope you okay with this. I'm bored and reading helps with that. So hope you won't mind I read to you." God I sound crazy right now. Shacking my head. I pick out (your favorite book). Putting the doll on my lap and I being to read. Finish with the book. It was 6:30. Well I could make dinner, clean him up, and put him to bed. After making dinner. I wasn't comfortable eating with the doll yet. My paranoid is getting to me. I'm afraid that will come and get me. Telling my self that he was far away. I went to the dining room. His plate is empty. Okay this is creepy me out. Well three time the charm right. Well I grab his plate. I wash the dishes and put them away. Picking the doll up. I headed to the bathroom upstairs. Passing through the family portrait. It's sad that Brahms never got the chance to grow up. Reaching the bathroom with fresh clothes. I clean him up with a rag with warm water. After getting him dress and tucking him in bed. I read a story to him that was by his nightstand. I read a couple pages. Remembering one of the rules to kiss him goodnight. I kiss the doll on his forehead. I went back to my room. To find some my stuff missing. But I was too tried to care. Going to my bed. Soon I hit. Sleep came over me.

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