Chapter 9

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Brahms is trying to get me up. I didn't won't to. So I move over and ignore him. "Y/N wake up. I'm hungry." "Five more minutes." "No." He tickle me at my sides. Laughing till tears came in my e/c eyes.

"O-okay I-I get u-up." He stop and I take a big breath. I get up and walk to the kitchen. Brahms try to help. But I push him out. When he almost cut me.

He huff in frustration. But sit down in the dining room. I finish up the breakfast. We eat and talk about games and music. He wanted to know more of the modern world.

I tell him that he needed some more clothes. He didn't want to go out there yet. Scared of what people reaction of his face. I haven't see it but I don't push him. When he ready. He will show his face to me.

I get ready for shopping. For more food and Brahms clothes. I ask him his size that he wears. Told me. Went back my room to change into a f/c blouse with a sweater, f/c jeans, and (favorite shoes).

I look for the Heelshire car keys. Found them before I open the door. Brahms didn't want to be alone. So I brought him with me. The car has tinted windows like the ones in a limousine.

I brought my f/c jacket for Brahms. As a pillow and comfort for him. When I go to the store. Already have the groceries. Now to find clothes for Brahms. I pick some clothes.

That kinda remind me of the doll. Then some other clothes that I think looks good on him. I got the clothes and walk back to the car.

When I'm about to reach the car. Some kids were trying to break in and yelling curse at it. I don't know what came over me. All I see is red. After I calm down the kids are gone.

I put away all the stuff in the trunk. Went in the car. Looking at Brahms. He scared and was about to cry. Basically speed demon to the house. I got Brahms out of the car. Sitting him down while I put the food away.

I went back to Brahms. He's crying. I hug. His head go to my chest. Like a child would do if they are upset. Rubbing his back and petting his hair. I rock back and forth. He calm down a bit. "Y/N I'm tried." "Go to sleep Brahms. I'm right here." He went to sleep and stay with him. I shouldn't left him alone in the car.

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