Chapter 11

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Guys there is a lemon in this chapter. So it will be a long one. Also for Brahms face image few scars here and there not like Freddy Kruger.

The next morning. I woke up without Brahms. Saddened for a moment. Till Brahms came back. He explain that he was hiding the bodies and clean the room. Then he took to me to the dining room.

I trying to tell him that I can still cook. But he say no every-time. Gave up and let him do it. My arm is still sore. Other than that it fine. But Brahms don't want me do it. He think that I reopen or make it worse.

I wait when done making me breakfast. Praying it's not too bad. He came back in with cereal. Oh thank god. He even pick out my (favorite cereal). "Thank you Brahms." "I would do anything for you Y/N."

My s/c face turn beat red. "Are you okay Y/N." Brahms put his hand over my forehead. I back up a little. "Yes I'm. Now lets eat." He look at me knowing that I'm lying.

But he eat his breakfast. I can't even wash the dishes. Brahms did the chores. I feel bad. He said that he didn't care. I could do things that is not heavy things. Or Brahms would let me.

I just finish sweeping the floors. My back start to hurt after bending up and down. Rubbing my lower back. I put away the broom and dust pan. Went back to the living room and sit down on the couch.

God my back hurts. "Y/N are you okay." "Well it's just my back hurts." "Here let me help you." Brahms sat on the couch next to me. I move up a bit. He put his hand on my back and start to rub.

I sigh in relief. Even start to close my eyes. Brahms move towards to my lower back. I moan a bit. He stop a bit. "Its okay Brahms." Brahms went back to continue rubbing again. I moan as he hit a certain spot.

He didn't stop this time instead he put his hands under my f/c shirt. Shiver from his cold hands. He move them up towards to my bra. I can tell that this his first time. Well I let him to figure out.

Brahms undo my f/c bra. I moan as he move his hand to my breast. He rub them. Brahms move one hand down to where pants are. He unbutton them and slid his hand under my f/c panties. I moan as his hand move up and down on my folds.

He remove his hands. I wined from the loss contact. Brahms took off my bra, shirt, and pants. He lay me down on the couch. Crawl over me. His eyes full with lust. Brahms removed his mask.

I put my hands on his face. He leans in to my hands. Brahms lean down and kiss me. It sloppy but full on lust. He broke away and attack my neck. I moan when he reached my sweet spot. He bit down to leave a mark. I moan louder.

Brahms hand went under my panties. Moan louder as he circle around my cunt. I moan Brahms name as he put his finger inside. He put in another one and move around. "B-Brahms p-please."

He remove his hand rip my panties. Brahms removed his shirt, pants, and boxer. His little friend is bigger than I thought. Brahms speared my legs apart. Bringing them up. He rub up and down. I moan and beg him.

Brahms push all the way. You thank god that your a not virgin. Cause that would hurt a lot. He start move back and forth. Slowly and it was killing you. "B-Brahms please m-move faster."

He start to move faster and harder. Brahms start to moan loud as me. I'm getting close. "B-Brahms." He made a sound that he is getting close. I scream as I release. Brahms cum inside of me.

He pull out and stand up. Brahms picks me up. He take me to the bathroom to clean up. Then to his bedroom. He lay me down gently on the bed. Brahms lay down beside me. He warp his arm around my waist. Pull me closer to him. I lay my head on his chest. "I love you Y/N." "I love you too Brahms." I kiss him goodnight. We went to sleep.

Brahms Heelshire x  ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora