Chapter 12

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*click* "Ok. Are you in position?"

*click* "Sakura here. I'm at point C."

*click* "Kanoko, point B."

*click* "Uzumaki Naruto, at position A. Believe it!"

*click* "Go slow Naruto..."

Kanoko was crouching behind a tree; her chakra reaching out to identify the target.

*click* "Ok, squad 7-"

Kanoko felt the target take off at an exceptional rate towards Naruto.

*click* "Target has moved!" Kanoko barked out over the radio.

*click* "Follow it!" Kakashi-sensei commanded.

Kanoko, Sakura, and Naruto all took off in pursuit. The target stopped in a small clearing, while Kanoko and her team stayed hidden behind trees nearby.

*click* "What's its position?"

*click* "5 meters. I'm ready! Just give me the signal!" Naruto whispered over the radio, excited.

*click* "Ok... NOW!"

Naruto and Sakura leaped to control the target, while Kanoko watched from a safe distance, "Hmph, the manner in which Shikamaru whined about this cat, you'd think it came straight from the depths of hell. I'll let Naruto handle this one..."

And just as explained to her by her brother, once Naruto latched on, the cat proceeded to claw is face out.

Naruto screamed, "I hate cats!"

"Hehehe! Stupid cat! It deserves to get squashed!" Naruto cheered watching the infamous cat, Tora, get roughly hugged by her owner.

Once Tora and her owner left, the Hokage looked at the scrolls in front of him, "Congratulations on your mission, now let's see..." The Hokage started listing off several D-ranked missions.

Kakashi stood behind his students, looking bored out of his mind. Sakura was slightly pouting over not being taken seriously, but wasn't going to complain in front of the Hokage. Kanoko just gazed ahead with no expression, understanding the importance of completing D-rank missions at this point in time.

Naruto... However...

"NO! No more! I'm done babysitting!" He said with his forearms forming an "X".

Iruka, upset with Naruto's rudeness to the Hokage, yelled at him about knowing his place as a genin.

After Kakashi whacked Naruto, to prevent him from further embarrassing Kakashi-sensei in front of the Hokage, the Hokage started explaining the ninja ranking system.

Of course, none of them were listening...

"...And so I had this taigatsu ramen today-" Naruto told his team, completely ignoring the Hokage.

"Silence!" The Hokage shouted to the group.

Kakashi looked back at the Hokage with a sheepish look, before scratching the back of his head, "Oh? Sorry..."

Naruto swung back around to face the Third Hokage before yelling, "Stop treating me like you're my grandpa! I'm not some brat anymore! I'm a real ninja now, and I want to go on real ninja missions!"

With that Naruto turned his head upward and crossed his arms.

Kakashi shook his head thinking, "Ahhh... I'm going to hear about this later..."

The Third Hokage just started chuckling, before it turned into a full deep laugh. He leaned back for a second, then gazed over at Kanoko.

"I don't like that look..." Kanoko though, narrowing her eyes.

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