Chapter 14

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"Your eyes are sharp Kakashi." Zabuza praised Kakashi-sensei. Kakashi was crouched on the ground, holding a hand over the wound on his chest.

"...But not sharp enough to read my moves." Zabuza finished, chuckling, "Come on, I want to enjoy my fun to the fullest! I want my revenge." Zabuza turned slightly to Haku's ice cage, "And don't worry about those kids. They're at Haku's mercy... they're breathing their last breath now!"

Kakashi and Zabuza exchanged a couple more blows before Zabuza faded into the mist, laughing maniacally.

Sakura looked over to the ice mirror trap with a worried face, "He said Kanoko and Naruto... are going to die!" Sakura shook her head roughly, trying to get the thought out, "No way! Kanoko has always been the best! Only second to Sasuke!" Sakura looked certain, shouting, "I have faith in them!"

"Exactly!" Kakashi responded, not turning around. "I... I believe in their abilities. I have faith in them. Naruto: The number one knucklehead ninja. And Kanoko: An heir to the smartest clan in the hidden leaf village!"

"Huh? You mean..." Zabuza responded.

"Yes. Her full name is Nara Kanoko. The clan known for its shadow manipulation, strategic prowess, infiltration specialties, and medical expertise. Essentially, the hardest type of ninja to kill without casualties." Kakashi finished, trying to pull out as much bragging material as he could. He would just ignore the part about the clan being full of lazy bums, normally seen running from their wives, who were chasing them around with frying pans.

"A Nara huh? I was selected to assassinate Nara Shikaku on a number of occasions. All were failures." Zabuza replied, thinking of the Leaf's jounin commander. "No wonder she continues to stay one step ahead of Haku. But, no one can match Haku! No one can match his jutsu! Even the most skilled of jounin have fallen before him."


"Sakura, stay with Tazuna!" Kakashi told Sakura.

"OK! Got it!" Sakura replied to her sensei.

Kakashi ran off in the direction of Zabuza's voice, "He's right. It's time to end this, but he's the one who will fall!"


Naruto stirred from his spot on the ground.

He looked up.

Haku was face first on the ground, and in front of Naruto was Kanoko, standing above.

Naruto's face lit up and called out to Kanoko, "You beat him Kanoko!", but his face shifted again: Into confusion.


Sticking out of Kanoko's back were four large needles.

In front of Kanoko was a pool of blood.

"*cough* Naruto... Quick... Finish Haku... *cough*You need... To do it... Quick... While he's down...*cough*" Kanoko coughed up more blood, it completely covered her chin now.

Naruto sat up, with wide eyes, "Why...? Why did you save me? Why did you do it?"

Kanoko chucked, "I remember the first moment I met you... You were... such a brat. An Uzumaki brat, which made you so much worse."

Naruto stood up aggressively, "Then why?! Why did you...protect me?"

Kanoko coughed, unable to get her words out.

Naruto growled and clenched his fists, "I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for you to save me!"

Kanoko closed her eyes and chuckled lowly, "I don't know... I guess part of you... Reminds me... Of someone... And I think, maybe you can..." Kanoko starts falling back, "...become Hokage..."

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