Chapter 34

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Orange eyes narrowed at the reflection in the mirror.

Kanoko was standing in front of the large bathroom mirror in only pants and a few bandages around her chest. Eyebrows pointed down, and a frown prominent on her face, she glared at the bandaged area.

"I command you to stop growing."

The reincarnated Hokage grunted un-lady-like while pulling at the bandages, trying to tighten them against her chest, "I have a whole newfound respect for Toka..." Kanoko grumbled out, thinking of her long dead clan member, "How the hell do you fight, let alone move, with these atrocities?!"

Banging at the door turned Kanoko's attention from her frustrating female attributes, "What?!"

"Stop being such a girl and hurry up!" Shikamaru drawled through the door, "I need to use the bathroom!"

Kanoko gritted her teeth as she growled, "We have three bathrooms in this house! Use one of them!"

"Ugg... That's all the way down that hall..." He brother whined back.

"Oh for the love of...!" Kanoko fumbled with the bandages around her top half before cursing and giving up. Grabbing a baggy shirt, Kanoko pulled it over her head and turned back to the door.

Kanoko then swung the door open with an angry look on her face. Standing there with a dull look on his face was her brother – his fist raised as he was about to bang on the door again. He opened his mouth to speak, but Kanoko beat him to it with a sneer, "You're such a girl. Go piss in a bush next time, like a man."

And with that Kanoko pushed past her brother, her shoulder hitting his and making him run into the door frame as he tried to move into the bathroom.

Shikamaru hissed while rubbing his shoulder. Looking back at his sister, he thought, "What the hell crawled up her ass and died?"




With a frown and scowl permanently fixed on her face, Kanoko walked down the streets of Konoha. Stomping down Konoha's streets was the more accurate statement. Everything had been getting on Kanoko's last nerve.

First, Tsunade, her lovely grandniece, finally contact Kanoko – after Kanoko spent days wandering around the hospital's halls. Tsunade then proceeded to tell her that Kanoko was hereby limited to D-ranked missions until she proved to the village that she could go on a simple mission without blowing herself up – which Kanoko thought was a grossly inaccurate statement. She had only tried to blow herself up once and she didn't even get hit by the blast! If they were going to punish her, they should at least afford her the respect by telling her what she did wrong – even though she already had a pretty good idea.

Kanoko wasn't unaware that she has been in the center of every major incident thus far and was acting very much unlike her peers in regards to her personality, knowledge and skills. If she was still Hokage, she would be suspicious too.

That, however, didn't make her mood any better after Tsunade laughed so hard she was in tears while handing Kanoko her first assignment.

It should be illegal for a couple to spawn five daughters, then hire shinobi to entertain them.

On the bright side, she did nearly giving her brother a heart attack when she used her jutsu to teleport back to their room after the mission, looking like some kind of clown/bride hybrid. It brought back a very traumatic memory of a birthday party surprise involving a clown gone bad and caused him to run into the door with a loud smack as he attempted to escape Kanoko's deformed look.

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