Vampire Guardian: Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3

Hard Times - Paramore

Present Day: Scarlet

I rub my hands over my face in frustration, gazing at the clock that's on the wall across from me. It's as if I hear the ticking noise mocking me, telling me to hurry.

I can't. I didn't study at all last night I got distracted binge watching a TV show and I totally forgot about the Physics test today.

College is not fun. Besides going out to bars with fake IDs and partying like it's the end of the world. But getting up early for class is a struggle.

Finally the bell rings and I'm out of the hellhole. Feeling a bit relieved, I abandon my finished test on my desk for the teacher to collect when everyone leaves and I walk out of the room with fifty other storming students.

They were talking about the test and I can't handle to listen to them. While making my way out of the building, someone bumps into me.

I turn my head to see Karley Holt walking besides me with a large smile on her face. Karley and I met back in September when we sat together on the same table for lunch at the college cafe.

Now it's April and we've became really close friends. We go out all the time together but the sad part is we only have one class together on Thursdays. Today is Friday and I don't have any classes until Monday so I'm darn happy about that.

"So..." Karley starts and I furrow my eyebrows, both of us walking down the campus.

"So..." I mock, wondering what she's doing.

"How did the test go?"

"Oh, I failed miserably." I mumble back, lifting my books up from sliding down my chest. It was a really warm day and my thought went to my pool that I didn't open yet. Dad usually handles that and knows when to call in to open the pool and get it ready. He just haven't called in yet.

"That sucks, I guess binge watching season four of American Horror Story didn't help out." I pout my lips together and I turn my head to her. She giggles, her blue eyes bright in the sunlight. The freckles on her cheeks that she usually hides with makeup are visible today. She's naturally pretty she doesn't need to put anything on to impress anyone.

"Nope not really." I sigh until we hear someone shout our names from behind.

"Oh no." Karley mumbles to herself and we stop from walking. Turning around we see her younger brother, Bradley jogging up to us. He starts to pant leaning over by resting his hands on his knees. Brad is a spitted image of Karley but without the freckles and eyes. His hair is a curly chestnut color like Karley's but short although hers is really long. He also has dark brown eyes but beautiful in the light. He's a masculine kid but no duh because he played football all his life.

"T-thank goodness I-I found you guys." He tries to breath and Karley loses patience handing him her water bottle. Brad is a senior in high school but is graduating this June. He'll be attending the same college as Karley and I. He chugs her water down and finishes it.

"What are you doing here?" Karley starts and I squint to see him better. The sun is blinding me and making my eyes blur.

"I had to hand in some papers so here I am." He pauses before turning to me. "I need a ride home."

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