Vampire Guardian: Chapter 14.

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Chapter 14

Kids - MGMT

I look at my reflection through the mirror, checking out my outfit. I sigh before taking off my shirt and tossing it on my bed. I'm left in my bralette as I lay on my bed. I don't know what to wear.

"So did you think of what we're going to do?" I chuckle when Peter asks through the phone line.

"Mm no." I softly say while smiling although he can't see.

"Come' on it's not that hard." I brainstorm for a bit and I hear Peter laugh on the other line.


"I bet you aren't even checking what we can do on your laptop."

"Psh yeah I am." I say while putting him on speaker and going on the internet on my phone. I scroll through date ideas that people posted on websites.

"I bet you're lying in bed right now." I roll my eyes, feeling my cheeks burn.

"Oh how much you wish you were here." Before he can reply back with his dark serious voice I lift myself up from laying. "I got an idea! How about bowling."


"Yeah there's an bowling alley about five minutes away."

"Okay I'll pick you up."  I stand while searching for a cute top in my closet.

"Text me when you're here." I hang up and I eventually find a cute top. I slip on my green army jacket over it and I put on my Vans that I recently bought that Tilly's. I receive a message from him that he's in front of my house and I walk out.

When I make it to the passenger side he reaches over and opens it from inside. I get in and he drives off. I give him directions on how to get there and we reach our destination.

Peter got a beer for himself and soda for me because I'm underage. The bowling alley was packed with teenagers and children. Loud music was playing and neon lights were shining everywhere. Peter's white t-shirt was glowing a dim blue. I place my jacket on one of the seats after setting up our names on the large screen.

"Get ready to kick my ass because I suck." I start when I pick out a bowling ball that's a good size for me.

"That sounds good because I used to play this all the time when I was younger. Back in Mississippi it was a huge thing and all the teenagers would go out and bowl." He grabs a ball and he goes up to the lane we're using. He releases the ball and it skids across the lane. Eventually it hits the pins and all of them go down.

My mouth drops when he earns his first strike. Peter laughs at my reaction when he grabs his beer and drinks it.

"Are you kidding me!" I stand walking to the lane. He sits down and leans back in his seat. I bowl and the ball hits the last pin all the way in the corner. The other pins stand still. I groan and when I turn Peter is laughing. "Stop! I told you I suck."

"And now I believe you." He passes me and goes to the lane. Another strike. I roll my eyes jokingly when he shoves me playfully. He has opened up more around me ever since we met. He laughs more often now and never has that stern look every second I'm around him.

Half way through the game Peter was winning by a lot of points. We decide to take a break and go get more drinks. We walk up to the bar the Bowling Alley has in another room. Parents are drinking and relaxing while their children are bowling.

"Another Heineken and..." He pauses and points at me so I tell the bartender what I want.

"Water please." I kindly say. I look through the glass window where you see our lane empty. It was my turn before we stopped. "Peter I'm going to go because it's my turn." He nods while handing the bartender a twenty.

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