Vampire Guardian: Chapter 30.

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Chapter 30.

The Less I know the Better - Tame Impala

Days have passed and soon it was time for Peter to tell me that we are going to Mississippi. I question about plane ticket but he tells me to don't worry about it, he has it all prepared. I feel bad for him paying for mine however, this trip isn't for me.

We left on Thursday and Collin drove us to the airport. After going through security and getting my ticket scanned with my license, we were waiting at the gate to board. I haven't been on a plane since I went to Disney World with my friends junior year of high school.

Peter and I waiting and soon it was time to board. Inside the place we sat next to each other and it was packed to the max. On our way their, the flight attendants gave us a snack and a drink.

Peter didn't get anything but I got some coffee and pretzels. As I was munching and listening to music, I see Peter's head snap to his left, looking through the crowd of people. I turn curious seeing a man grip onto his finger. When he pulls away there's blood on a napkin. He must've cut it from flipping a page of his book.

Peter mutters something under his breath and I turn to look at him. His head is leaned back on the seat and his eyes are closed. I bring my eyes down to his hands that are clenching onto the arms of the seat. The blood must be bothering him. Especially since he's on a plane full with humans.

I lick my lips nervously and bring my hand over his. I feel his muscles tense but soon loosen at the feeling. I look up at his face and his stiff body softens up. Peter opens his eyes and gazes at the ground.


When we landed, it was already afternoon. Peter called for a taxi outside of the airport and drove us outside of Jackson to Flowood. It was a quick drive and soon we stopped outside in the suburbans.

It's a different atmosphere than where I live in New York. It's smaller population in the town than anywhere else.

"I grew up here." Peter says to me and I stare out of the window. We pull up to a condominium, small children playing on scooters in the parking lot.

"Here?" I point at the small apartments and he shakes his head.

"No, the town. Flowood is my home. Here is just a place I pay monthly for whenever I come back." I nod, feeling a bit stupid at my question. We get out once Peter pays the driver and he guides me to his apartment.

He unlocks the door and we walk in. I look around curiously and it's not like his place back home. This is his home. There's paintings on the walls, a television and a black leather couch by the windows.

On the coffee are old magazines that date back from the fifties till the early two-thousands. I run my fingers along them, seeing how wrinkled they are from being read over and over and over again. I read the cover of the original Life Magazine about John F. Kennedy's assassination. I smile in fascination because I love things like these.

I look up when I hear Peter coming back into the living room from the kitchen. There's a glass of blood in his hand. I purse my lips into a thin line, trying not to get grossed out.

"Sorry, trips like those get me burned out. Especially in the sun, don't want to burn." I nod my head, understanding what he means. "I don't have food here but soon we can head out and grab something for you to eat."

"Yeah of course, thank you." I reply back with a smile. He sits down on the couch and places the glass on the coffee table.

"You like these?" He points at the magazines and I pick one up.

"Yes, these are amazing." I flip through it, seeing the different articles and old photos.

"Don't go through the end of the pile. You might find a Playboy Magazine." He jokes before laughing. "I'm kidding though, I'm just glad someone appreciates history."

"Well it is my minor." I add before dropping the magazine back down in the pile. I make my way into the kitchen and I see old cooking tools propped in a large jar. Jeez, he must save a lot of things over time especially since he doesn't need them. Down a small narrow hall I see a door.

I walk into his bedroom and there's a bureau and bed. There's an old photo hung up on the wall. A mechanic shop with a big sign that says "Tommy's Auto Repair Shop". There's a man leaning up against an old 1974 Firebird facing the camera.

"That's my brother." I jump in fright when Peter comes up from behind. "He owned his own mechanic shop from the sixties until now. His son took it once he became old." I turn and I see a small photo on top of his bureau. It's the same photo of the young girl.

"Peter, who is this?" I finally ask him, curious about the girl. Peter grabs the frame and stares at it.

"Her name was Delilah. I went to school with her and she was my sweetheart." I frown and he places it back down. "She died though, a couple of years after high school."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He grins before looking away.

"It's fine, it's been decades now." I see another photo of Peter dressed in a suit and holding a baby on his lap. The baby is laughing in the photo and Peter has a smile so bright, I don't think I've seen it so strong. I assume it's his baby cousin or relative so I don't ask.

Lastly, there was another one on the other side. Peter watches me move to it and pick it up. It's a family photo. A mother and father, Peter, his brother and his sister. They're standing outside of the church and his father's hand is placed on Peter's shoulder. They're all smiling and his mother is crouched down holding his little sister.

"Your mom was so beautiful." I say, looking at the black and white photo. She had such a soft rounded face, her hair in little curls. Her eyes were squinted from smiling and her thick lips were covered in dark lipstick.

"She was beautiful. Every man in town wanted her but she chose my father. No matter how difficult things became she made sure everybody was happy. My father was a great man, worked his ass off everyday. Wanted the best for us." I think about my mother and how I never really got to know her. Her face is a blurry memory, I was too young to remember her.

"I wish that was like my dad. He thinks everything is great until he gets overwhelmed with alcohol." I place the photo back down and shrug. "Shit happens though, I'll be okay." Peter walks towards the bedroom doorway and grabs my attention.

"Let's go, I have to show you something."


Next chapter is sad but intense!



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