Vampire Guardian: Chapter. 33.

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Chapter 33.

Oblivion - Bastille

The following day Peter let me sleep in. When I woke up he surprised me with some breakfast from the diner. Ever since he told me about his life yesterday, I can't look at him the same.

He informs me that we'll be going to the hospital to see his brother. He's on the verge of death now and he won't make it any longer. After showering and getting dressed I stare at the photos of his family. I can't pull away from the photo of him and his son.

He was a father.

Although I don't see him as a father now, it's crazy that he was. Now he looks like a normal adult but not human. His personality since I've met him until now has changed but he was always serious and angry before. Explains why he didn't want me to be involved. He doesn't want me to get hurt.

He's afraid although vampire fear him.

When we arrive to the hospital Peter makes his way first to the front desk. Many people are sitting in the waiting room and others are standing around.

"What room is Tommy Harris in?" Peter starts while the front desk assistant is typing away on the keyboard. She doesn't say a word but bring her gaze to us. She stares at us before looking through a file besides her.

"There isn't visiting hours for Tommy until two o'clock tomorrow. He is in critical condition."

"This is the only time we're allowed to see him. Give me the number or I'll go find him myself." Peter roughly says to her with a stern voice. Her rough features slowly soften and looks back down at her computer. She clicks around before taking her glasses off.

"Room two-sixteen." Peter doesn't say a word besides walk pass the desk and into the hall. I quickly say thank you to the assistant before chasing after him.

We find the room and he stands there holding the door knob. Peter takes a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the room. A breeze of cold air rushes towards us and I pause while Peter kept on walking. The door silently closes and I stare ahead of the bed.

His brother is laying there, his mouth gapped open gasping for air. The monitor is beeping every time his heart beats but it's long and slow. Peter slowly approaches the side of the bed and rests his hands against the mattress. I walk around the bed and I go to the nightstand besides it that has a glass full of water and other personal belongings.

I look down and I pick up a picture frame, an old black and white picture of Tommy and Peter. It was definitely a photo of them before Peter became a vampire since Peter looks the same. I place the frame back on the stand and I see another one of Tommy and his family.

Suddenly Tommy moves around a bit and I cock my head to the side. Peter is staring down at him with a firm expression. Tommy gasps for air before coughing roughly. Soon he opens his eyes and turns his head that's resting on the pillow to Peter.

"Am I dead?" His low raspy voice questions and I part my lips in sadness. Peter's hard expression slowly changes into a soft sad one. Devastation.

"No you aren't dead." Peter consoles him and the old man can't help but crack a lopsided smile.

"Pete?" He whimpers before placing his hand over Peter's that's resting on the bed. "You're so young." He chuckles but Peter stares at him with no emotion on his face. "You left us." He lastly says and I see Peter's lip quiver.

"I died Tommy. I had to leave."

"If you died then why are you here?" He coughs once more before clearing his throat. "Are you my Angel?" My eyes slowly swell with tears. It's horrible knowing that Peter is young and beautiful meanwhile his brother is old and crumbling to his death.

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