Vampire Guardian: Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

Carolina - Harry Styles

"OH COME ON PLEASE PLAY TWILIGHT!" Karley shouts at the top of her lungs while I go through all the DVD's I have in a cardboard box. For the past ten minutes we've been trying to pick a movie and Karley has been groaning about watching Twilight.

Brad shoves her off the couch and she collapses onto the floor. She sits up and glares at him.

"We aren't watching that dumb ass vampire movie!" He shouts back at her. She stands and decides to sit on the other couch away from her brother.

"You have no voice in this you're the baby here." I look up from scavenging through movies and I look at Peter. He was sitting on the other couch where Karley is now sitting. He's quiet but chuckling under his breath when the Holt siblings argue.

"Why does age matter!"

"We are older, we decide." She points at me and Peter before pointing at herself.

"Actually," I start, looking up at her. "Peter is the oldest." The house grows quiet before Brad lifts his arms up in defeat.

"Peter, you decide then." Peter purses his lips into a thin line.

"No it's fine you guys can." Karley stomps her foot down on the ground.

"Twilight!" She cheers and I shake my head.

"Although I was obsessed with those movies I can't stand them anymore. Bella is dependent on a man and she's annoying who's obsessed with a sparkling vampire." I complain and she pouts her bottom lip.

"But I want to see Jacob."

"Karley shut up he has long hair in the first movie which is ugly as hell."

"If you want to see a real vampire movie let's watch Dracula." I pick up the disc and Karley cringes.

"There's no hot vampires in that movie."

"Besides, all the vampire movies are fake. Vampires don't have the ability to use mind control and anything. Most of all they don't sparkle or burn in the sun." We all snap our heads to Peter who is staring at the ground.

"Someone did their research." Brad replies and Peter gazes at him.

"Common sense." He shrugs and I run my fingers through my hair, sighing.

"Okay!" I clap my hands together, lifting a DVD in the air. "Marley and Me, it is!" I get up from sitting on the floor. I go to the DVD player and I put the disc in.

I sit next to Brad because that was the only open seat. Peter looks my way when I place my  legs over Brad's lap. The movie starts and we eat chips and Wendy's. I get chilly so Brad puts his warm hands on my bare legs and we place a blanket on us.

In the end of the movie, Karley was sobbing and Brad was trying to hold in sniffles. We all watch quietly while in the movie they're putting Marley, the dog down.

I munch on popcorn as I gaze to Peter in the darkness. His legs are extended out and his arms are crossed over his chest. He looks bored and emotionless from the dog dying. Karley is wiping her eyes with a bunch of tissues on her lap.

"Why do you have to pick sad movies, Scar." She cries in her hands. I can't help but laugh because I'm not that sensitive with sad movies. I kick the blanket off me and I run to Karley jumping on her.

"Oh my whittle baby." I have a fake babies voice to joke with her while I rub her back. She's sobbing in my chest and I see Brad shaking in his seat. He's trying not to cry. The Holt siblings are so sensitive it's so funny.

Mittens comes along and meows at me. I look down at her and she walks to Peter. Peter stares at her and Mittens jumps on the couch besides him.

"What a turn of events, Mittens likes you." I smile to Peter while Mittens walks on his lap. She sits there with her big eyes staring up at him. Peter brings his hand down on her and starts to pet her. Mittens purrs loudly and he smiles, running his hands over her fur.


Peter and I walk side by side towards the front door. I open it for him taking a deep breath. Karley and Brad already left and Peter stayed to help clean up.

"Tonight was interesting." Peter starts, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah that's why I picked that movie. I know how sensitive they are with animals dying." I laugh and he shakes his head laughing too.

"It was funny though. They're good people." I lean against the open door, the cold breeze rushing inside.

"You can sleep here if you're tired to drive home." I look up at the clock that's on the wall. It's 2:26 AM.

"It's okay like I said I'm a nighter. Don't get tired." I put my hair in a bun awkwardly.

"Right, right I forgot." I glance at his dark eyes that are staring at the ground. I can't help it. I extend my arms out and I wrap them around his body.

I lean my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. It feels good. I feel his arms slowly wrap around mine. I let out a sigh feeling relieved that he isn't pushing me back.

I lift my head up and I don't realize how close we are. I want to kiss him. Is it bad to think that? I want to feel his perfect lips on mine. I want to feel his hands running up and down my body. I want to feel his body on mine.

"Goodnight, Scar." His voice that says my nickname for the first time is electric. His large hand is placed on the small of my back. I look at his lips and he has a small smirk. 

But my imagination vanishes when he presses his lips on my cheek. The cheek my dad hit me on. His lips are cold but soothing on my burning face.

He clears his throat and steps back like something hard hit him. He squeezes his eyes closed before opening them again. His eyes are dilated, his pupils large and wide. He eyes me before looking back down on the ground.

"I-I should go." He gasps before racing out of my house without another word. I stand there, holding the door with my mouth wide in shock. I watch him get in the car and drive off.

For the rest of the week I haven't heard from him.


Hello!! How is everybody!

They almost kissed. Almost! Ughhhh I wish they did. I love them so much.

Funny to say, I never liked One Direction at all. Once they broke up, I listen to Harry Styles. His type of music is incredible. 

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