Vampire Guardian: Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7.

Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man

I recommended the Diner when Peter and I got in his car. It's an old Chevrolet but I don't ask what year. The car is clean and vintage looking like him. There's something about him that seems like he can fit in any decade.

When the hostess seats us to a booth I quickly look through the breakfast section on the menu. I peak over the menu and look at Peter who's staring back at me. His menu was still on the table.

"You aren't gonna eat?"

"Nah I'm good." He shakes his head and I shrug, pouting my bottom lip out curiously on what to get. My stomach wouldn't stop growling since the hospital. My mouth waters when I see the pancake section. But eggs sound so good right now too. I don't know what to get?

"Good morning guys want to start off with drinks?" The waitress asks and Peter asks for water.

"Coffee please and some OJ." I bubbled to her while she walks away. When she comes back she asks if we're ready to order.

"Okay um- I'd like some fruit salad i-in a small bowl and pancakes deluxe but beside one egg can you put two?" I put up two fingers and she nods her head writing this down quickly. Peter stares at me with an amazed smile because I'm ordering so much. "Plus bacon on the side and french toast with powder on top."

"Are you guys sharing?" She chuckles after writing all of that down and taking our menus. I look at Peter and he shakes his head.

"All hers."

"Hun that's a lot. You must be a big eater."

"Well being knocked out in the hospital for the night really hyped up my appetite." I joke as she giggles.

"I'll be back soon." She informs before walking away. I bite the inside of my cheek after taking a sip of the bitter coffee. I pour more sugar.

"So Peter besides going to John's College frat party for boredom, do you go to a college close by?" He takes a short sip of his water before placing it back down on the table. His eyes roam curiously around the diner where there's many people enjoying themselves. I watch his light orbs as they gaze to a group of young girls laughing and eating.

Soon he turns to me and leans back in his seat.

"No I don't go to college. I left my hometown and came here for a reason."

"What was the reason?" I see the waitress walking towards us with a pile of plates and I got extremely excited until she walks past us. I turn and watch her place the food on a table a large family was sitting. I frown. I hate when that happens.

"Don't like to share. Very private information you're asking." I look away and run my finger along the rim of the coffee mug.

"Sorry didn't mean it like that."

"Don't worry."

"I hear that you have an accent so where are you exactly from?" I take another gulp of the warm coffee that stirs my stomach hungrily.

"Mississippi." His voice is low when he says it and brings his eyes down in sadness.

"I assume you have family down there?"

"None that I talk to. I'm by myself." His eyes are large and sad when he says that. I purse my lips into a thin line before placing my hand over his cold one. He's cold. Peter is always freaking cold.

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