Vampire Guardian: Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

Nothing Lasts - Bedroom

I sigh while dipping the tea bag in the hot water up and down. I zone out although Karley is talking to me about a new guy she's been talking to.

"Maybe we can have a double date someday. If things work out between us." Karley comments after I toss the tea bag in the garbage. I take a sip of the steaming tea before sitting next to her on her couch.

"I guess." She stares at me before placing her mug on the coffee table.

"Okay my dad told me what happen. Why was he speeding?" I didn't tell her anything about the night of bowling. I didn't tell her anything because I didn't want every problem to revolve around me. Of course her dad tells her though.

"He has raging problems that he brought here from Mississippi. Apparently he broke a law and people are after him but some are trying to get him in bigger trouble? I don't know it was all confusing." She looks at me with her large eyes before parting her lips.

"So does that mean you guys are done?" I shrug.

"I don't know all of this is so complicated. It's been two days and he's been texting me day and night."

"Have you responded back?" Shaking my head I take another sip of tea.

"Well that's awkward." We turn around to the voice of Brad's. He's leaning against the wall that parts the living room and kitchen. "Hey Scarlet." He winks at me and I laugh while rolling my eyes.

"What do you want?" Karley snaps.

"Be nice." Their mother says to Karley after popping out of the kitchen. She passes Brad before grabbing a book on the coffee table and retreating back to the kitchen table. "Scarlet are you staying for dinner?" She asks from the kitchen. I look at Karley and she nods her head yes.

"Okay that would be great! Thank you Mrs. Holt."

"Anytime and please Scarlet I told you to call me Tracy."

"Will do." I laugh before watching Karley point at Brad silently. He sarcastically points at himself with a confused look.

"Come here you little shit." She says to him, getting sick of his jokes. Brad plops a seat besides me and rests his head on my shoulder.

"You made someone really sad, Scar." Brad pouts when I look down at him.

"What did I do?"

"Brad spit out the info." Karley commands and Brad sighs. He lifts his head up from resting on my shoulder and steals a cookie from the plate besides me.

"Okay well Peter texted me and asked me how you're doing..."

"You have his number?!" Karley and I both say in sudden shock. Brad is taken aback at our loudness and widens his eyes.

"Chill, we exchanged numbers after he asked me." I purse my lips into a thin line. Peter definitely did it just to get information on me if I stopped talking to him.

"And?" Karley questions and Brad cringes a bit.

"And he's on his way here." Karley grabs the pillow next to her and chucks it at Brad. He catches it because it was a wimpy toss and places it on his lap.

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