Vampire Guardian: Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5

Greek Tragedy - The Wombats

I slowly go down the stairs so I don't fall. My eyes are blurring and the dim lights are bothering me. The basement is where people chill and smoke. Others play beer pong and in the corner is a little section that's called The Bar. You can buy the more expensive alcohol there in little shot glasses.

"Hey! You with the black shirt!" I shout grabbing some attention. He stops from walking and turns to me. I miss the last step and I fall into the wall. Some of my drink spills and drips on my hand.

"Yes?" He starts after I drag my feet to him.

"You- you were the boy that bought things at Tilly's." I slur because I'm very drowsy. I chug the rest of my drink and he grabs the cup, placing it on a table.

"Yes I was." I look up into his eyes and I smile.

"What's your name?" Someone pushes me from behind and I fall into his chest. He grabs my arms so we both don't tumble back. I look up at him while I'm in his arms. He takes a step back and clears his throat.

"Peter Harris."

"I'm Scarlet Quinn!" I scream back because the music is loud.

"I know." I blush hard, watching him eye me up and down.

"You know?"

"Word goes around." We turn our heads to the people who were cheering because they won the game of beer pong.

"Mhm." I feel my throat parched so I grab the cup Peter placed on the table. I start to drink it and drank too quickly that some spilled on the side of my mouth. I laugh and Peter watches me.

"Sorry I-"

"You shouldn't drink anymore."

"Why? I'm okay." He gives me a half smile, shaking his head.

"No you aren't. I think you should stop." He grabs my cup again and drops it purposely, the rest spilling on the dirty carpet. My mouth drops from his actions while he pats my shoulder. "Be careful tonight." Peter walks away and starts to head up the stairs.

I stand there shocked before clenching my stomach. I lean on the table and I gulp some saliva. I'm feeling dizzy. I start to take deep breaths and I close my eyes.

"Scarlet are you good?" I flinch at someone touching me from behind and it's Karley. I turn to her and I roll my eyes back.

"I think I'm going to throw up." I say to her and she purses her lips into a thin line.

"Geez Scar I've already told you that you're light weight." She guides me towards the stairs and heads up first. I go up step by step before I reach the top. I let go of the railing and the loud music slowly thuds in my ears.

Karley turns to me and calls my name but I don't hear anything. My lips part and my vision fades to black. Karley screams my name as I fall backwards, crashing down the flight of stairs before my head hits the floor.


Peter hears a big thud and people scream in fright. He snaps his head towards the basement stairs and sees people running up them. Some run out the front door and the party starts to die down.

"Somebody help!" A girl screams and Peter pushes his way down the stairs. He thought he was able to stop Scarlet from drinking and to become at bit sober. He stops at the top of the stairs and sees a girl cradling someone in her chest.

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